Ein said:
EDIT: Since this is the first time I've done scripting, chances are I'm doing something horribly wrong. It says it can't find the file for package "MyPackage".
I'm heading out in a couple minutes so I'll try addressing the rest of your post later, but I can field this part quickly. When you create a new class derived from ZoneInfo, you should see the following dialog:
"Package" is, not surprisingly, the name of the package in which your class will be stored. If you enter
MyLevel here, then the actor will be stored inside your map, which is what I usually do for simple bits of UnrealScript. If you enter anything else, such as the default
MyPackage, then your class will be stored in an external file called MyPackage.u and will be found in your System folder. If you do that, then you need to make sure that you save your changes, or your package won't be retained. There's an option for it in the Actor Browser, under the File menu.
So, chances are that you created a new class, placed an instance of it in your map, but neglected to save the package, which means the MyPackage.u file wasn't written, and that's what UnrealEd is looking for. If you can't open your map at all at this point, just create a MyPackage.u file and you should be OK. Once you get the map open you may want to delete the custom actor you placed and start over with a new package name just to make sure everything works all right. Make sure you save the package if you don't use