Well, it has taken over 9000 years, but I've finally got a computer worth gaming with. Though, I mainly do most of my gaming on my PS3 anyways, so it doesn't matter. Not sure if it matters now though, but I guess this is my way of saying hi to all the crazy folks I used to talk to here.
Right now, just trying to find game demos and stuff to test my computer out. It's good to be able to play something beyond ....Unreal (PUN SO INTENDED) Tournament and SimCity 3000. Might install the oldschool UT for the heck of it.
Right now, just trying to find game demos and stuff to test my computer out. It's good to be able to play something beyond ....Unreal (PUN SO INTENDED) Tournament and SimCity 3000. Might install the oldschool UT for the heck of it.