Nice theory's...
It has nothing to do with lag. I've done it twice online with pristine connections....
Imagine this scenario if you will.
I'm barreling through the hallway on dm-pressure, translocating the whole way through to my favorite weapon, the SR. I already have a minigun, but don't see, nor hear anyone near, and am gaining ground on my SR as quickly as I can. I get the SR in site, and throw a disc that was to land half way between it and myslef. Before it hits the ground, I see someone turn the corner right behind it and or course, they begin fireing on me. I then hit the button bound to switchtobestweapon, which pulls my minigun, and open fire on said foe. My disc was still in the air, and obstructs my line of fire. I proceed to kill the foe. Unknowing to the damage done to my disc, I then hit my button bound to getweapon translocator, and attempt to telleport to my disk.
Now, if you destroy someone elses disc, you get a tellefrag, not a frag with the gun you did the damage with. So naturally, if you destroy your own disc (and telleport to, or retrieve it) you get a tellefrag suicide (tellefrag yourself). The console reads "Playername killed his/her own dumb self (justly so), and it makes your efficiency percentage with the translocator looked flawed in ngWorldStats.
My second one (in case you were wondering) if I remember correctly had a nuke involved...
Now I bet your wondering what the odds of this happening are. Killing your own disc in such a quick manner of sircumstances that you instinctively try to use it shortly after doing so, and die because of it... well, my old ngUID is
13102. That link should take you to a view that shows my weapon stats in all game types. Note the number of frags with the TL (as well as it's over all rank compared to the rest of my weapons), and of course the 2 suicides with it. They even show up in the suicides category. As well note the number of TL throws I made, and then you will have an idea of how much I used it, not only as a weapon, but manner of transport.