Translocator Paradox!

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frog steering expert
May 6, 2001
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i've heard people have telefragged themselves via lag.

if this is possible, during that brief time, wouldn't he/she be in two places at once?


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell

Nice theory's...

It has nothing to do with lag. I've done it twice online with pristine connections....

Imagine this scenario if you will.

I'm barreling through the hallway on dm-pressure, translocating the whole way through to my favorite weapon, the SR. I already have a minigun, but don't see, nor hear anyone near, and am gaining ground on my SR as quickly as I can. I get the SR in site, and throw a disc that was to land half way between it and myslef. Before it hits the ground, I see someone turn the corner right behind it and or course, they begin fireing on me. I then hit the button bound to switchtobestweapon, which pulls my minigun, and open fire on said foe. My disc was still in the air, and obstructs my line of fire. I proceed to kill the foe. Unknowing to the damage done to my disc, I then hit my button bound to getweapon translocator, and attempt to telleport to my disk.

Now, if you destroy someone elses disc, you get a tellefrag, not a frag with the gun you did the damage with. So naturally, if you destroy your own disc (and telleport to, or retrieve it) you get a tellefrag suicide (tellefrag yourself). The console reads "Playername killed his/her own dumb self (justly so), and it makes your efficiency percentage with the translocator looked flawed in ngWorldStats.

My second one (in case you were wondering) if I remember correctly had a nuke involved...

Now I bet your wondering what the odds of this happening are. Killing your own disc in such a quick manner of sircumstances that you instinctively try to use it shortly after doing so, and die because of it... well, my old ngUID is 13102. That link should take you to a view that shows my weapon stats in all game types. Note the number of frags with the TL (as well as it's over all rank compared to the rest of my weapons), and of course the 2 suicides with it. They even show up in the suicides category. As well note the number of TL throws I made, and then you will have an idea of how much I used it, not only as a weapon, but manner of transport.


New Member
Feb 13, 2001
Pittsburgh PA
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Actually your wrong Anubis. I play almost exclusively DM, actually TDM. The server I play on regularly has the translocator enabled, and I still say you can't harm it. If you could damage it, you wouldn't be able to launch it with a well placed shock combo without telefragging yourself. But I do that all the time and don't die, so...


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Trust me, I know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

I know every last detail about the TL. The rule is in Team Games you can't Harm your own TL. So you can combo it to places that you couldn't normally reach, as well as IH Punt it. I'm fairly good at both strats as well. I also no, if you're getting these off in an FFA DM, your getting lucky, and not hitting it with enough combo to destroy it.

Do youself a favor. Start an FFA DM game online, or in practice, drop a TL, hit it directly with one flak bomb, and try to retrieve it with either fire of the TL. Notice how your prospective changes as your head rolls. It's also the coolest sound in the game to hear yourself goto gibs w/ no explosion. There is a cool electrical "ZZZZT" sound as well.

...and if your flak aim is not good enough to hit it solid in one shot, just shoot it 'till the light goes out. If this discussion goes on much further, I may have to post a short demo. I've recorded it before, 'cause it looks really cool in 3rd person.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
I could understand...

.. how you may have never destroyed your own TL in a DM game comboing it around. You say you play DM and CTF... I play DM. I am DM. That's it. Look at that ngUID. I'm not wanting to show you that I'm good, and show off my stats. Just that I am experienced, and, well, if those stats would proove anything it's that I know the TL. It also say right in those stats that I have destroyed my own TL, 'cause there is no other way to get a translocator suicide, and it's not a bug, I remember the first time it happened vividly. I don't know which was more amazing, that I did it that quickly, or that afterwords, I knew exactly what happened when I quickly replayed the scenario in my head.

You can get a tellefrag suicide by dropping a TL in the pressure chamber (or another similar map triggered tellefrag), press the button yourself, and telleport, but that counst the suicide under the weapon category tellefrag. Where as the other counts in a Translocator. I think in the suicides column, they both look the same though. Tellefrag...


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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I just set up a practice FFADM with xloc enabled. 4 enforcer shots was all it took to destroy it.

Bzzzt bzzzt.


New Member
Feb 13, 2001
Pittsburgh PA
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Well, I stand corrected. I usually play TDM so this is what threw me off. Only question I have is, with ff on, can u still destroy your translocator? The server I play on has it set on 20%.

While we're on thtopic of weird deaths, I once pressurized myself on Pressure on a server set to Proving Grounds 4v4 TDM rules. (Translocator disabled) How the hell does that happen?


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
He he... self-pressureization...

FF has no bearing on the translocator. In team games you can't damage it, and in DM you can... It's setup like a color rule. That rule doesn't apply in DM. Otherwise, in DM, you wouldn't be albe to kill any TL of your skins color. Where as in TDM, you stricly can't kill blue light TL discs if you are on the blue team. Think it was just simpler to code that way.

Self pressurization can be done w/ poop, or grenades. Grenades are tough, it's a rough angle, you would have had to have gotten real lucky. I spent an hour or two trying to do to see if it could be done, and pulled it off once.

Theoretically, if you drop a full load of goo near it, and walk in, when the poo blows, the splash could set it off, and voila. Beyond that, I can't think of any other legit ways to do it... there may be a bug at play too, 'cause I think I've seen it say someone pressurized them selves, and I swore up and down I pushed the button...