TNM Seeks Mappers [A Deus Ex Modification]

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New Member
Oct 6, 2003

I am the leader of The Nameless Mod, a TC mod for Deus Ex.

The mod is set in the chaotic world of Forum City, torn apart by opposing factions and gangs, the player seeks to restore order, or propogate the chaos, depending on their mood.

The story is very involved and I won't go into it all here (check our site for full story details) but to give you a taste, there are several factions that the player can join up with, among them are the Llamas as well as the Goats. As well, several factions will equal several unique endings to the mod, 4 to be exact.

Most of our levels are complete or in progress, but we are looking to recruit one or two mappers to allow us to speed things up a bit. To get more of an idea of what the mod is about please check out our website and have a look at our Trailer Video, which showcases various locations, weapons and characters in the mod.

If you are interested or would like more information, please email us at [email protected] or drop by our public forums.

We would appreciate mapping samples from any applicants.



Northwest Secessionalist Forces
Awesome! A Deus Ex Mod! Very cool!

I can't help you (I'm a coder haha).. It's damn good to see Deus Ex Mods striving on!

I coded Shades vs. Humans and the NSF Mod. They were my first projects ^^

I wish you much luck and I will download your mod when completed!
