Timeless is a UT2k3 MOD that put the players in the skinn of a mythic god (Thor, Zeus, Anubis just to name a few) and must destroy the other players. It's a MOD with no pick-ups, regeneration (in mana and health), pride (how much the humans love you) and power (strenght and scale of spells) are managed by the "twin triangle system".
HellHeaven Studios (the name of the team) is looking for:
level designers: knowledge in Unrealed is a MUST
3D animator: modeling, texturing and animation in 3DS MAX 5 (animation in character studio)
Concept artist: for characters and buildings/level
Programmer: knowledge of Unreal programming code is a MUST
Digital painters : digital paintings needed to explain the story behind Timeless
Timeless is a project, no money involved, just fun and pride.
You can contact me at [email protected]
HellHeaven Studios (the name of the team) is looking for:
level designers: knowledge in Unrealed is a MUST
3D animator: modeling, texturing and animation in 3DS MAX 5 (animation in character studio)
Concept artist: for characters and buildings/level
Programmer: knowledge of Unreal programming code is a MUST
Digital painters : digital paintings needed to explain the story behind Timeless
Timeless is a project, no money involved, just fun and pride.
You can contact me at [email protected]