Timeless, Real gods battle

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New Member
Mar 3, 2004
Timeless is a UT2k3 MOD that put the players in the skinn of a mythic god (Thor, Zeus, Anubis just to name a few) and must destroy the other players. It's a MOD with no pick-ups, regeneration (in mana and health), pride (how much the humans love you) and power (strenght and scale of spells) are managed by the "twin triangle system".

HellHeaven Studios (the name of the team) is looking for:

level designers: knowledge in Unrealed is a MUST

3D animator: modeling, texturing and animation in 3DS MAX 5 (animation in character studio)

Concept artist: for characters and buildings/level

Programmer: knowledge of Unreal programming code is a MUST

Digital painters : digital paintings needed to explain the story behind Timeless

Timeless is a project, no money involved, just fun and pride.

You can contact me at [email protected]



UA Coder
Oct 6, 2002
Everywhere and Nowhere
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You do realize that there is a god-mod, Godz, that has been in existence since UT? It's a very comprehensive, fun mod and you're going to have to compete against it. If you want to get a team to make this mod, you are going to have to let us know how this mod will be better than Godz.


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
I think I'll have to explain myself in many forums since Godz seems to be a well known MOD. Let's talk about the differences between Godz and Timeless:

1) Timeless characters are almost all real gods from the greek, norse, hindu, egyptian, sumerian and other legends. Godz characters are bio-engeneered nuclear powered beings from distant planets

2) Timeless takes place in the past(and on earth) and Godz takes place in the far future on many planets.

3) There's no pick-up (health, weapons or ammo) in Timeless, the players begin the game with their melee weapons and spells. Mana and health regeneration is managed by the twin-triangle-system, a big relationship between 5 attributes : mana, health, pride, power and anger. Pride is the level of human worshipping towards the player and it influences directly mana and health regeneration. The more physical attacks you do on an adversary, the more pride you get. Magic, on the other hand, scares human and lowers fame....but magic is strong and as longer range than melee weapons. The power is also raised by physical attacks and the more power you have, the more the spells are strong and massive. Anger is filled by damage and lowers by time. If the anger meter gets full, the god is temporarely invincible and can cast his ultimate attack, witch is unique to all gods.

4) Timeless' gods are always in immersion with an element (fire,earth, ice, thunder, holy or evil) and can change that at will. But when you are in fire, all your spells are fire elemental and if you stand in lava, your regeneration will double and if you stand in water, it'll be half. It adds some tactics to the game.... if you see an enemy in water, there's big chance that he'll be in immersion with ice to regenerate faster so you'll have to use fire attacks on him to cause double dommage.

You can check all the details at the team's website: hellheavenstudios.com There's also scrennshots and movies of what's done to date.