Those god dam bots

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Does anyone find that the bots are a bit to good of a shot? Also will version 3.0 be for Unreal or Unreal Tournament?



oh well 3.0 will probably be alot better on UT than Unreal.
But, when is UT comeing out?

And about the bots, realisticly, they've got to good of a shot, to be real.
And watching them in standoff (from the bots view) they track the target perfectly.
Could you change this in version 3.0 ?


agreed. It's annoying when you've got someone centered in the crosshairs of a robar halfway across a map, and they peg you with a pistol.


Those bots might be pretty stupid, especially once you get to know their habits on any particular map, but they've certainly upped my response time and accuracy in close melee game fighting. Seems like they're all highly skilled expert sharpshooters, SAS trained no doubt... I hate getting done over with a single shot to the head while I'm blasting away and dodging but at least that makes them sort of competitive. I keep all their skill levels maxed out and every now and then they learn and do something unexpected which is great. Or I turn a corner and bump into one and it's like in the westerns, first to draw and shoot (accurately) wins. The UT bots sound even better (teamwork!) and I don't have any probs with being pushed to the limit against them, especially if this hones my skills against real players.