Yeah, I've got some bad vibes with PU going on. That's why I love to bring the fight right to them. Its utterly hilarious watching them stumble for reasons to shut me up.
As for my channel, no, the topic was nothing offensive. That and I curse and swear all the time. And being my registered channel that I moderate, they have no reason to change the topic, even if it is cursing. They can only really change it if it was like "Shocking real rape and snuff videos at You can also find 0-3 day warez there! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!"
But hey, PU's a bunch of nazis. I don't mind, it'll bring about their own downfall. Gamespy Industries is already going to shit as more and more games are integrating server and IRC browsers that are as good as or better than gamespy. Its nice that people really believe that the planet sites are run by a bunch of die-hard gamers, but the fact of the matter is they're just a bunch of corporate boys paid to do their job well. And their job means generating hits, and thus money. That's why they want nothing to do with promising mods, and they only care about the popular ones. I always thought that was fairly obvious. i mean, the mod I'm helping with now, Titanium Wars, got flat out rejected by PU. Only and Preacher saw the promise in it, and once TW started generating the hits, PU admins were literally begging us to come to them. I fucking flipped out when the team decided it would be best. thankfully I and Sabre and all the bad press it was generating managed to make them change their minds. I wanted to shoot off a scathingly evil email to them, but jotun advised against it cause he still wanted the press from them. But here it is, in all its glory:
I really appreciate the offer to host us, as does the rest of the team, but somehow, having our site hosted in the abandoned halls of Auschwitz, the server powered by the preserved brain of Adolf Hitler, conflicts with all our moral standards.
Lets face it, you guys are dirty corporate fucks. You care about the game about as much as I care about your lives (which is very, very little.)
There's a distinctive irony in the fact that you once refused to host us. Now that we gain popularity you see a chance to take advantage of an emerging genre to generate hits, at the cost of fucking over the true gamers like Preacher and the other fine folks at Unreality.
Here's a novel thought: take your heads out of each other's asses for five seconds. Grab firmly your offer to us between your index finger and your thumb, and insert into aforementioned ass. Because that's where your offer belongs; with the rest of the shit.
We don't want your control, we don't want your censorship, and we don't want your dirty fucking publicity. Ever. A good mod will speak for itself. None of us care if you never, ever post any fucking updates involving us on your site. I don't care if Stallion goes and bitches to Strife to do the same.
We will let it speak for itself you filthy Nazi corporate fucks.
Go to Hell.
Yours sincerely,
Yep. definitely some bad vibes going on. Stallion still happily comes into #infiltration just to pick fights with me. Its great!
Frankly, i just love doing all this anti-PU stuff directly under their noses, and in a way where they can either a) do nothing about it or b) prove me right. I know it causes them all to bust a big, bulgy vein in their forehead.
<img src="" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">