This is not cool

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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Okay, if any of you happened to swing by the Redeemer and discovered a 404 in its place, here's the skinny.

A site hosted on another Gamespy server (Matrix Half-Life @ took it upon itself to flame a then non-staff member of The Redeemer, PACMAN. Apparently they did not like it to much when PACMAN received a medium with which to retaliate (The Redeemer.) They made the claim that PACMAN posted "slanderous material" (which is a: wholly untrue since slander is not possible in reference to a nickname and b: if his material was slanderous, their material posted about him was equally as slanderous.)

Anyways, they then took it upon themselves to contact planetunreal. (Apparently unable to fight for themselves, they had to call in the head honcho to "slap his kids.")

This is not cool, since we've been 404'd. All potentially offensive material was given a disclaimer on our site, something we took the initiative to do ourselves, and as we understood it (As explained to us by QAPete) so long as the main site and the review sections (admittedly the main features of our site) did not contain anything but relevent, inoffensive content, all was well.

If you wanna see the site (if you haven't already been there,) you can locate it at

I'm not telling you to jump to our defense, I'm not telling you to go spam MHL's message boards. I just want you all too know why the site is gone, and just why I think its not cool (in my country, Canada, a socialist country, the "f" word and "shit" appear on the front page of the newspaper, and its not considered "nudity" unless its showing the genitals -- raised this way, and knowing how peaceful our country still is, you can see why I'm an advocate for free speech.)

I don't like this. Everything about this rubs me the wrong way. People wanted to pull the plug on Howard Stern. He ended up generating insane ratings. South Park, anybody? Stileproject? Badassmofo? All these things contain 1) disclaimers letting people know their goods may be considered offensive, 2) alot of quality, entertaining content, and 3) massive ratings and followings. It just seems to me that somebody upstairs is missing the point here. Yiah, alot of the stuff I said contained what could be considered vulgar language, alot of the stuff I said could be construed as offensive. But when the time came to be professional (as in the interview with Warren or the map reviews) I did nothing but my best.

God, I'm rambling here. This is just plain not cool.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
And just what the hell happened to "I may not believe in what you say, but I'll die for your right to say it"?

GOD JESUS I'm angry.

I said this in one of my rants, and I'll paraphrase:
Its okay to host a website for a game that's rated "MATURE 17+", where people compete by killing either people, ripping them bodily apart with rockets, where they scream taunts calling them bitches, but its not okay to swear and state my opinion?

GOD DAMMIT. This is why I hate political correctness... we're living in goddam '1984' here and nobody gives a shit.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
You know Gringle, sadly, Feztaa posted more "slanderous" material about us than we (PACMAN) did of him. Why don't we do what he did? Because we have testicles, that's why.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
This sounds pretty shitty all around.. I dunno wtf the view is "upstairs" but all I can say is I'll see what Stallion from PU knows and if something can be done. Hang tight guys.

<hr align="left" width="50%" size="1" color="#00FF00"><font size="1">Warren
Project Coordinator
i n f i l t r a t i o n

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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Yiah, thanks Warren =) I appreciate it buddy.

I ended up talking to Stallion myself, I argued the point of content as I understood it (what QAPete said was "no "naughty" content on the main page or the reviews", so we didn't. Then all of a sudden we're 404'd... I did some talking to Gringle and PACMAN and finally got in contact with Stallion, who said Mia'Cova was supposed to have emailed us about the content (which he didn't), and then... blah... it turned into this. So I ended up going to the MHL forum, and since Feztaa was so happily gloating, I called him out, we had a rather lengthy debate, and then a very cool coder (Wannabe) stepped in and resolved the whole thing very kindly. He's firing off an email to Stallion, explaining the whole thing away, that the original complaint lodged toward the site was a personal attack on a staff member, yack yack yack... so hopefully this will resolve itself neatly and tidily.

Thanks for the support!

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


New Member
Apr 11, 2000
Thanks Warren, we appreciate it. I've just put so much time into the site...I couldn't bear to lose it like this.

--Gringle, webmaster of The Redeemer
"Show me a hero, and I will write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgerald


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
awesome. I won't go beating a dead horse then- let me know how things turn out. Hopefully it'll all run it's course and you'll be online in no time. Good to hear people decided to communicate for crying out loud =P

<hr align="left" width="50%" size="1" color="#00FF00"><font size="1">Warren
Project Coordinator
i n f i l t r a t i o n

Questions? Are you a FNG? Check out our Roadmap
Then check out our FAQ</font>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
My communication was pretty funny. It reminds me of war. One instigation. One retaliation. One massive act of destruction. One angry, lone warrior sent to foil the evil villain's schemes. Warrior succeeds, quick witted, kindly henchman of villain steps in asking for peace. Warrior agrees. Henchman convinces villain to end scheme for the best. Villain agrees.

No, that's not like war at all, that's more like the James Bond movie I saw two nights ago.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


New Member
Mar 5, 2000
Washington, DC
hmmm... too many smart-ass kids out there on the net who get their ass beaten alot in real-life...

the redeemer had just become one of my daily stops -hope all is rectified quickly, you guys have really put together a great site.



Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
The Redeemer is back up. I tried my @pu stuff, but it no longer works, so it seems a stipulation of my negotiations and such ended with me getting the boot. I guess they didn't like what I had to say. Ah well. War's not without its casualties. My planetunreal email address still works, though. That's one thing.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I guess the planetunreal staff are nazis and didn't like what I had to say. Stallion told me, and I quote "I do not like the content of your editorial section, it is way below appropriate levels" Apparently because he does not like it, and because his personal tea-sipping, martini-drinking, poker-playing friends found it "oh-so-distasteful," it was the scourge of the White Aryan Race. Therefore, it was burned along with any literature and other forms of media that may have been made by jews, homosexuals or negroes.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


Real Maps Coordinator
Well, BM, that sucks, but heres an idea: Were you ever warned about your language/editorial in the past? Were you ever told what appropriate contest consisted of, and I mean specifically? If not, and if this is your first time offense, then it seems a bit harsh that you would be punished like this. State your case, explain your position and see what happens, if you dont know the rules its hard to play by them. BUT, this would mean that you would have to tone the attitude down in the future, assuming you got your job back, which, well to be honest, I dont know how well that suits you. Just a thought.

RealMaps Site Co-Founder/Coordinator
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"Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Yiah, I was in fact told SPECIFICALLY that any and all content like that (ie: the words "fuck" and "shit" in the editorials were fine) was only wrong if it was one the main (news) page or in the reviews (the site's main feature) meaning I didn't even breach the goddam rules, AS THEY LAID THEM DOWN.

Though now I don't even want this job back. I invested alot of time and effort into making it professional as possible, and then the good folks at the Nazisp-- oops, I mean Gamespy network slip into the SS Uniform their grandfathers pulled off some Germans they shot back in '42 and decide to regulate what I can say and do simply because THEY believe that its inappropriate content (apparently its very wrong to swear, but its okay to host a site for a violent game... I can't wait until PlanetUnreal hosts my site for the mod I'm working on, "Trenchcoat Mafia: The Game!"... I'll have to remove all instances of the words "shit", "fuck", "pussy", "bitch", "puppy", and "milk", and institute an in-game swear filter so that all the 12 year olds that bought it despite its MATURE 17+ won't be beaten by their parents for such an inconceivable concept as free speech.)

I've already argued my point with them repeatedly, over and over again, and the more validity and evidence I raised in support of myself (I have the entire ICQ transcript saved if anybody has that kind of morbid curiosity) the less and less valid their points became until it came down to "its our server, do what we say... hail Hitler!"

To top it off, rather than warning us or asking us to change the content (something which I would have gladly done to avert the entire problem) they just took it down. Their response? "Well, somebody was supposed to have sent you an email about it." Yiah, well somebody didn't. The only email any of us got was to PACMAN, saying "his site was down", even though its not his site. I don't see why we (the staff) were held responsible because SOMEBODY was too incompetent to sit at a computer for five minutes and type up an email like they're supposed to and instead ran off to the vending machine to grab another Twix bar to shove past their chocolate-coated lips.

On top of that, after putting the site back up, they take the liberty of editting the HTML documents for us. Usually there's some sort of discussion or they ask you to cut it, but no, they freely go through our documents and cut whatever they want. Next thing you know, they'll try to take the Holocaust out of history books.

I'd go take a shower now, but its probably rigged to spray mustard gas now.

I think its safe to say that this is my official letter of resignation.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook

[This message was edited by Bad.Mojo on Jul 09, 2000 at 10:21.]