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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I was sitting around the other day, going to relieve myself, and, as everybody knows, the greatest revelations occur when you're on the toilet and the only thing around to scribble them down is your girl's broken mascara pencil and the last kleenex in the box, since you never checked for toilet paper, so you're either gunna wipe your ass with the most important discovery in human history or write it down and not wipe your ass and when you finally receive your doctorate everybody's going to refer to you as Dr. Sid Skidmarks. The revelation was this:

People are ****ed up. I don't know why, I can't tell you what causes it, but every single person in the world, down to all the people who consider themselves "normal", are royally ****ed up. Either you're some socially stunted reject, brain dead lingo using brain washed turd, or some sort of man who wears a straight jacket. I was thinking, "Jesus H. Christ, man, this world is worse than you always thought it was." And you know what? It turns out I was right.

Only man can build an empire founded around killing people for pieces of paper and chunks of metal with numbers and faces printed on them or over lines on a map, only man can be so petty and have such violent fits of ego that he needs to place his wants and desires over those of others just so he can pass down some ativisticly violent tendencies to his children and their children and their children's children. Only he can be so ****ed up that on the one hand you have sweet, naive innocence, always ready to keep their chin up and turn the other cheek, and on the other hand you have bitter, hateful people, always ready to cold cock you.

No other animal displays this behaviour. No other living thing that we know of acts like this. Everything acts within a set of boundaries and rules dictated by emotion and instinct and natural abilities, but we attempt to defy that because we like to think that we're special in some way, above everything else, and that leads to violent, chaotic, suicidal tendencies. We are not mammals, we are not animals, we aren't even a virus. We are weapons against ourselves let run rampant by a God that has long stopped caring about some failed expiriment that long ago perverted every reason why He birthed the creation.

Everybody's always said I was pretty ****ed up, and as much as it would reassure them to know that they're right, this is sadly not the case. I am the only one with enough balls to open my eyes and stop being blinded by petty whims and self-affirming actions brought on by some narcissistic masturbatory tendencies. I am the only one who sees this pile of cess and filth for exactly what it is (or rather, exactly what we made it be.)

The moral of this goddam story is this:

Happiness does not exist within the realm of human comprehension, hope is a lucid dream that you will always find yourself waking from, and God is an atheist.

[This message has been edited by Bad.Mojo (edited 04-15-2000).]


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Speak for yourself, dude. I'm perfectly normal (Except for my unsatiable appetite for animated porn. Just one of those things...) /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

On a side note, if everyone is, as you put it, "****ed up", by default wouldn't they then become "normal"? Just wonderin'.


If the past is an idea that can only occur in the here-and-now, and the future is also just a concept happening strictly in the present, is there really a past and future? Or just a continuum of present moments?


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
No, because everybody's demons are different. Everybody is haunted by some warped evil that dwells within the darkest recesses of their soul that sets them apart from the masses or the individuals. Either way, everybody's id is ruled by a different minion of Hell.


Aug 14, 1999
Are you dpressed now Mojo? when I philosophize I get depressed because I see how meaningless we all are. But then I stop and I become happy again.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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It's all about the human brain, Mojo. The human brain is too sophisticated. Sometimes it can't control itself, or understand itself, which can lead to further instability. And it hates uncertainty. It hates the unknown. It can't STAND the unknown.

You see, God doesn't really exist. God is just an example of our brain trying to understand our own existence. Trying to explain the unexplainable. Because our brains are afraid of the unknown. We are terrified of the unknown. We want to be in control. We want to feel safe, secure and have the power to maintain that security. And our brains will do anything to achieve that security, that comfort, that control.

Most other species don't have that, whatever the hell it is. They just do what they need to do to survive today, and then tomorrow they do what they need to do, to survive tomorrow, and don't worry about anything else. If they are hungry, they eat. If they are tired, they sleep. They don't have sex for pleasure. They aren't concerned with power, money, or dominance over another species, simply to feel better about themselves. They don't feel jealously, or a need for revenge. They don't kill other members of their species, because of their religion or other beliefs. They aren't threatened by others beliefs, because they don't have beliefs. Our brains are weird. They contain a higher level of sophistication, that we haven't learned how to handle very well.

[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited 04-15-2000).]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
The only thing I doubt is that God part. Isn't the afterlife just as unknown as a no-afterlife? Isn't that what atheists reject God? Because their minds can't handle the unknown of conciousless death? I just think the Universe wouldn't defy itself to go to all the trouble of existing. I mean, the frigging thing would have to break its own rules just to exist without something to create it. And that's pretty impressive in its own right, so I suppose that that would make it God aswell. So even if God doesn't exist, God still exists. WTF?

And yiah, I'm pretty goddam depressed. In fact I'm downright spiteful right now.

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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Well, I've read some books about the universe/astro-physics, and it IS pretty weird how the universe is set up. I mean, there is hardly any leeway here or there in the composition of our universe, for us to exist in. I mean hardly any leeway AT ALL.

So I suppose you can take that to mean that there is a God that set it all up that way, so that we may exist. But I think it was all just coincidence. I mean the Universe just happen to be set up that way, and we developed from it. If it were to be set up some other way, then, well something else would have developed from it. Maybe just some bacteria.

If you get into the question of what set it up, then I have no answer for that. But that's why people developed the idea of a God, because they couldn't handle not having an answer for their existence. But why do we have to have an explanation? Personally I have no problem accepting the idea that there is no afterlife. I won't care too much when I'm dead. I mean, I won't be conscious of it, so why should I care.

I don't understand what your so depressed about.

[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited 04-16-2000).]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
My point is that whatever created the universe = God. God = Creator = whatever. Therefore, even if some cosmic force birthed everything, that cosmic force is still God.

Mr. T

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Feb 20, 2000
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I hear you.

Whatever the hell "God" is, in the way you describe it, is interesting to think about. But I don't have to conjure up some set of beliefs in order to help provide an explanation that allows me to feel more at ease about my life.

I guess I just don't like it when people answer with "God" or "Faith", when a question is presented to them that they don't have an answer for. It just seems to be a cop out to me. Not that I have all the answers. But people should at least base their beliefs and opinions, to a degree, on data we can measure and validate. Speculate about the rest, sure. That's great. But why create our own "truth", just for the sake of having an explanation.


New Member
Feb 16, 2000
Yo... T, Mojo...

Before I start diving deep in skit...are we talking about the standard, v1.0 christian god or something else here ?

This is your brain...
THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON INF... (bold /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif)

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I think I was just seriously digressing off on some tanget with my tendencies toward Atheist thought.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I actually think religion serves a very good purpose for a lot of people, so I don't totally reject it. Don't take any ramblings from me as an attack on your way of life. I just have my own feelings, but I respect others as well.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
No, Chand, I'm actually talking about God 98 and the soon to be released God Millennium, which sports an improved NT/9x kernel hybrid.

Microsoft, making God more user friendly for all of us.

Mr. T, go up to a scientist and ask him "where did the universe come from?"

He'll answer some scientific mumbo jumbo like "The Big Bang".

Now ask him where the matter for the big bang came from, since it can be neither created nor destroyed.

He'll answer with "well, science will find an answer".

Science is just another faith.


Dusty ****er.
Nov 26, 1999
Anchorage, Alaska
Jeez, the Religious people never give up.

Fine! Let em beleive what they beleive!
I'm just sick and tired of having people force beleifs down each other's throat!

"Out of darkness,
Out of Mind, Cast down into the halls of the blind!"
-The book of the blind, Game Diablo


Dusty ****er.
Nov 26, 1999
Anchorage, Alaska
they are banning books for crying out loud!

Mr. Religeous dude: Ah, That book is the work of satan.


For example, They Want to ban harry potter, while Classic 'ol Wizard of oz or narnia is NOT going to be banned! Something wrong with this picture!

"Out of darkness,
Out of Mind, Cast down into the halls of the blind!"
-The book of the blind, Game Diablo


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Last time any nuts wanted to ban any way of thinking, we had 1) The Crusades, 2) The Inquisition, and 3) The Second World War.

Off the top of my head, of course.

p.s.: Nuts people don't like being reminded they're nuts, it tends to make them more volatile than usual.

Yiah, censorship is bad, and its pretty stupid, but everything has to be measured in shades of grey. I mean, why not just allow child pornography to run rampant? Hell, some people get off on the exploitation of young children and the mass consumption of paedophilia, so if its right for them, why isn't it right for everybody?

Everything's comin' up grey, baby.

[This message has been edited by Bad.Mojo (edited 04-18-2000).]


Godlike: You are Obsolete.
Mar 10, 2000
Groovy, California
I'm not a 'religious person'...I am a Christian.
I was reading some interesting stuff about proving God with quantum theory...and disproving unassisted evolution with the 'irreducible complexity' logic. Too bad I don't have the article (at a relative's)...but I woulnd't tell you guys off, regardless. And censoring, I hate. If we had full-on censoring, I couldn't listen to Jethro Tull, or Metallica (or play UT and hear 'die, bitch!'). Censoring should be kept as little as is humanly possible.

fozum borgu...

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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A pure truth cannot be derived from a theory. It's just based on a theory, an idea. Quantum theory has just as many flaws as any other theory. And anyone knowledgeable enough about the properties of any given theory and how they are related, can twist it around, or interpret it in a way to make it compatible with their own beliefs. Now let me say that that doesn't make these different interpretations any less interesting, and I'd like to read that article before I comment any further. Sounds cool.

A few yrs ago I read a book by a creationist who attempted to describe a scientific theory that would explain the possibility of our existence only being about 10,000 yrs. old, why evolution is false, etc... It was interesting, but there were a lot of flaws and shortcomings that seemed obvious to me.

The thing that bothered me about the book was that all he seemed to be concerned about was finding and expounding on the flaws that exist in the theory of evolution, and the big bang theory, which anyone can do. You see, he was confusing science with a religion, assuming both are based on an absolute truth. So he wanted to prove that these selected scientific theories are false, because the so-called absolute truths they are based on are false.
In his theory, the absolute truths (or axioms) consisted of the existence of God and anything God wills it true. Or to put it another way, God exists. Anything associated with God is Truth. God wrote the Bible, therefore anything written in the Bible = Truth. You can see the difficulty in arguing with such a rigid philosophy, based on an inflexible absolute truth.

Scientific theories are just ideas, ideas based on data and phenomena we can experience, measure, test, and attempt to predict. These sets of data and phenomena are subject to change at any time, and can be interpreted in many ways. Nothing in science is absolute, which is it's main disctintion from how many people feel about a religious belief.

This is the problem a lot religions have with science. This inability to derive from it an absolute truth, or the fact that it isn't based on an absolute truth to begin with. To many people, it's not very comforting basing your life around something that may or may not be true.

But science is not about true and false. ItÂ’s not about what someone considers to be morally right or wrong. ItÂ’s only about finding ideas that best describe what it is we experience, and using these ideas to predict what we might possibly experience in the future.

[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited 04-18-2000).]

Mr. T

New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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I guess I have to amend my statements above. The accepted truth behind science is mathematics, which are based on what we observe. So I guess scientists have faith in what we observe. Without that, almost all scientific theories would be rendered useless. But a good scientist would still need to be open to this possibility, and qualify any theory by stating that it is based on a given set of axioms, which are accepted to be true, but are not absolutely true.


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
To me, alot of is it black and white, Mojo... child pornography interferes with the child's rights, and is bad. If it doesn't interfere with anyone's rights, I'm ok with it. If it's evil, immoral, or whatever doesn't matter, if there are no victims it should be left alone. (No, contrary to what liberals might lead you to believe, you don't have the right to not being offended.)


Godlike: You are Obsolete.
Mar 10, 2000
Groovy, California
Well said there, all. Personally I believe the earth being 10,000 years old is a big shitload, just like the earth being flat, or the sun turning around the earth. Neanderthals are people with rickets?!? WTF?? :)

fozum borgu...