I just got this message in my yahoo inbox. I must say it is quite amusing, considering what it is. Just look at the god damned thing. It's bloody hilarious.
Well, after all thats been said, I think I should e-mail bomb the asshole who gave me this letter. I sure hope he has flood control, and I hope his mail server can handle the load. Too bad if it's not the case. I wonder if I can track down the fucker through a whois on the e-mail. I would love to get this assclown in trouble._Dear Citibank_ User_,
This E-mail was se-nt by t_he Citi-Bank servers to
veerify _your email_ adderss.
You muust ctolpmee this proecss by clicking on the_ link
bellow and enteering in the small _window_ your CITI_bank
_Debit_ full Card Number and Pin that you use in the local_Atm_Machine.
This is _done_ for your poecrttion -a- becaurse some of_our
memebrs no lonegr have acescs to their email adesdsres
and we must verify it.
To veerify _your _email address and access _your Citi-bank
account, clik on _the link _below_.