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Oct 6, 2012
First of all.
What do we know about that guy named below?


And what are those models?...


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
they didnt model the full weapon you carry with you, just what shows in screen. You see the full weapon in game on the char tho, different models tho.
What do you mean by that? You mean that there are different meshes for third person, first person and pickup? That's only in the later 97 - up to release version of Unreal though.
Originally there were meant to be just pickup mesh and first person mesh since you weren't able to see other player weapons yet by that point.
The screenshot makemeunreal linked to in particular is from the "testmaps" stuff I released a while back for that strange 97 leak (which seems to have been leaked originally by some contractor and someone made that fred map to see the monsters and stuff and removed the classes so even editor couldn't be run, however because of the emissary stuff in the first bunch there were sources for unreal.ucx for this particular version(and later the real version with the orginal ucx was receovred so i didnt need to do all that anyway) so i compiled it at that point and added the meshes etc to see in these maps.
That old minigun was not even compiled in ucx or linked to hence why i just imported it with a dummyclass, there seemed to be with each version (too bad the model sources for other versions are missing) some models they made but didn't yet import/use, originally because they didn't code the classes yet but later because the meshes were so unfinished on itself or discarded or they didnt yet get around to implementing a base class.
I did put that old minigun in the "monsterhall" map along with the flamethrower, the problem is those are both first person meshes and they dont have any anims so for serious use someone has to animate them. I can't tell if Dave Carter ever got around to animating them, it is possible he did but until someone speaks to him I guess we won't find out but it's very possible. For example there was earlier animated version of impaler with two slot skins in late 96 but it wasn't imported yet the script for import remained as leftover with some files except for the actual mesh, There was melee anim for it too apparently, but later in 0.86 impaler is missing altogether and only is there in unreal.ucx again in 0.867z but this time with one slot skin and with its funcionality being changed compared to the original description from unbible. And that version is July 97, 0.871d from August 97 already doesn't have Impaler anymore and peacemaker is there instead. Yet Stunner is still there, but only month later and stunner
is gone too. Tells a lot that lots of those different versions had content being created and then thrown out almost on monthly basis. They should have reintroduced some of that stuff in expansion packs imo, instead we got the UPAK stuff with terran weapons and none of the cut weapons returning, but there's something suggesting the quadshot was to be returned originally and that is because of the additional anims the final quadshot mesh has but not actually seen because they werent specified in the import code. However...I did use this quadshot version (Gizzy originally discovered it had those additional anims) in UPSX rework. The bobbing/select/down anims were there all the time to begin with.
And quadshot was meant to return in upsx or they even had a working one at some point before switching to 220 (i think it started on 219 or something, the upsx stuff), at least that's what has been implied to me by the guys. And it's possible it was meant to return in the cancelled addon pack as well.
Quadshot however did function fully in the very early versions, the recently recovered 0.83 and 0.84 have working quadshot with sounds. It probably still worked until 0.86(around may 1997) when they switched to the javascript-like unrealscript environment and started recoding everything and also changing the game looks with it slowly as well.

The original quadshot worked different way than you are used from mods, u4e quadshot(called just shotgun there) or the masterunreal's/upsx quadshot comes close but it's not the way it worked.
You could shoot in primary fire four times until the shotgun reloaded. That means it didn't reload after each shot but only after all four shells are used. Secondary fire would normally fire all four shells, but if you fired two with primary fire it would only fire the remaining two shells with altfire instead and then reload, then you could use four shells again in altfire, but the point is it always counted what's left in the gun too depending on how many shots you fired using primary fire. Also the damage of the shell withers away the further distance it travels, the shot is not really that spread shot like in quake or the quadshot remakes, its very acurate but its damage is varied depend on how far away it impacts from you. That still means closeup is the most deadly. And you could use closeup melee attack with quadshot if the thing ran out of ammo as well, as last resort.
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