This is a LOT of text I am gonna put in here about my "dream skins" Here are the details:
Frist off, here is a list of skin patterns that it would be nice to have:
Army Classical Camo (what you people dumbly call "Jungle")
Desert Camo (that looks nicer than what you have now)
Urban/Marine Camo (you got the right colors, black and white or light blue/grey and white, but you made the pattern itself a nightmare. Try taking Army and filling in with proper colors.
Black (SEAL) All black. Totally. Everything.
Now, you should not have them all under one skin variant, that when you change colors, it changes the camo pattern. That can make some conflicts. On the other hand, you should just, say for red, make a thin red line going around the place where the sleeve meets the glove, or where the pant leg meets the boot, or at the belt, or at the collar. Trust me it won't spoil the camo, and you'll have to think before you shoot (a difficult task for deathmatchers). Note: None for team color means no colored lines at all.
There should be four uniform variants for each model (discluding Boss, of course)
Light Uniform
Light Uniform with vest
Heavy Uniform
Heavy Uniform with vest
Light Uniform: Should be the regular camo, that has everything covered in adequate camo (no holes on Male Soldier's back!), excpet the fore-arms. Between elbow and glove, it should be skin. Good old skin.
Ligh Uniform with vest: Ever seen one of those utility vest that a lot of military units wear? They are almost like fishing vests, if ya know what I mean. They got lots of compartments and all of the other little places to put clips, supplies, everything! Now all this is, is same as Light Uniform, excpet with the vest. To see what the vest looks like, check out a Rainbow Six or a Rogue Spear dude when you are selecting the uniforms. The vest should be correctly colored too: Army - Green, Desert - Orangy Yellow, Urban/Marine - Black, and SEAL - Blaaaaaack.
Heavy Uniform: Just like Light, except EVERYthing is covered. No skin except the face should be showing. Simple enough?
Heavy Uniform with vest: Yup, Light is to Light w/vest as Heavy is to Heavy w/vest.
This all might sound like a big waste of time, but it will allow for countless variety and taste.
Now for the faces. All same faces should be available for all 4 Uniforms of a model. Meaning that you should be able to have the same face if want to wear Light Uniform with vest, or Heavy Uniform, or Heavy Uniform with vest. Face variety should be as follows:
For each model and Uniform there should be a:
Ski-Mask type of thing: Go to House of style, and download the Seal skin. Try the second face called spy. Now cover the nose. You got it.
Helmet: Just a shiny, solid looking head, with one long, horizontal eye hole, that makes your eyes NON visible, because it has a green glow to it. Like the Half-Life Marine guys.
A few painted faces: ONLY A FEW. Faces painted to be more... camo. For Army, it should be green/brown streak lines going diagonally on the face, for Desert it should be yellow/orange/brown, for Marine/Urban it should be grey/black streaks, and for SEAL it should be blaaaaaack streaks.
A multitude of regular faces: Can't live without them. Just one thing. Don't make too many without headwear. Take a look at Malcom and Riker. See those little hats they wear? Also, Borris and Dessloch. Make more of those than just guys withough headwear. Makes it much more... real.
Big bonus to anyone that can take make John Mason from The Rock, using Arkon's face.
My posts are famous for peeing people off. Let's see how I did this time.
Frist off, here is a list of skin patterns that it would be nice to have:
Army Classical Camo (what you people dumbly call "Jungle")
Desert Camo (that looks nicer than what you have now)
Urban/Marine Camo (you got the right colors, black and white or light blue/grey and white, but you made the pattern itself a nightmare. Try taking Army and filling in with proper colors.
Black (SEAL) All black. Totally. Everything.
Now, you should not have them all under one skin variant, that when you change colors, it changes the camo pattern. That can make some conflicts. On the other hand, you should just, say for red, make a thin red line going around the place where the sleeve meets the glove, or where the pant leg meets the boot, or at the belt, or at the collar. Trust me it won't spoil the camo, and you'll have to think before you shoot (a difficult task for deathmatchers). Note: None for team color means no colored lines at all.
There should be four uniform variants for each model (discluding Boss, of course)
Light Uniform
Light Uniform with vest
Heavy Uniform
Heavy Uniform with vest
Light Uniform: Should be the regular camo, that has everything covered in adequate camo (no holes on Male Soldier's back!), excpet the fore-arms. Between elbow and glove, it should be skin. Good old skin.
Ligh Uniform with vest: Ever seen one of those utility vest that a lot of military units wear? They are almost like fishing vests, if ya know what I mean. They got lots of compartments and all of the other little places to put clips, supplies, everything! Now all this is, is same as Light Uniform, excpet with the vest. To see what the vest looks like, check out a Rainbow Six or a Rogue Spear dude when you are selecting the uniforms. The vest should be correctly colored too: Army - Green, Desert - Orangy Yellow, Urban/Marine - Black, and SEAL - Blaaaaaack.
Heavy Uniform: Just like Light, except EVERYthing is covered. No skin except the face should be showing. Simple enough?
Heavy Uniform with vest: Yup, Light is to Light w/vest as Heavy is to Heavy w/vest.
This all might sound like a big waste of time, but it will allow for countless variety and taste.
Now for the faces. All same faces should be available for all 4 Uniforms of a model. Meaning that you should be able to have the same face if want to wear Light Uniform with vest, or Heavy Uniform, or Heavy Uniform with vest. Face variety should be as follows:
For each model and Uniform there should be a:
Ski-Mask type of thing: Go to House of style, and download the Seal skin. Try the second face called spy. Now cover the nose. You got it.
Helmet: Just a shiny, solid looking head, with one long, horizontal eye hole, that makes your eyes NON visible, because it has a green glow to it. Like the Half-Life Marine guys.
A few painted faces: ONLY A FEW. Faces painted to be more... camo. For Army, it should be green/brown streak lines going diagonally on the face, for Desert it should be yellow/orange/brown, for Marine/Urban it should be grey/black streaks, and for SEAL it should be blaaaaaack streaks.
A multitude of regular faces: Can't live without them. Just one thing. Don't make too many without headwear. Take a look at Malcom and Riker. See those little hats they wear? Also, Borris and Dessloch. Make more of those than just guys withough headwear. Makes it much more... real.
Big bonus to anyone that can take make John Mason from The Rock, using Arkon's face.
My posts are famous for peeing people off. Let's see how I did this time.