The New Gunner...

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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
I feel the gunner class is just about right. Other then the bugs, it plays fine. Please read the following to get an idea of it's individual characterisitcs.

Speed with and without sprint is almost exactly the same.

Hacking feels better, but I haven't timed it to be absolutely sure.

About a 10/15% increase in jumping length with what appears to be a little(not much) bit more manueverability in the air. Talking to some veterans, the speed in air appears increased as well.

1) Rocket Launcher
Primary - Rockets may be slightly faster, if any. Haven't time rockets so can't say for sure.
Alternative - The alt rockets may be too spammable right now. Lockon time is fine, but a delay between shooting them should be increased. If you want to shoot a regular rocket after shooting some lockons, the current timing is fine.

2) Flame thrower
Primary - It was significant reduced in it's strength. It no longer can own the inner circle as much as it did before. This has a lot of impact for Gunner VS Gunner battles.
Alternative - Alt flame thrower is still pretty useless and buggy (does no damage and doesn't go away - the graphics doesn't disappear after it burns).

3) Grenade Launcher
Primary - Easier to use then before because it doesn't have as much of a timelag to exploding - almost immediate now - easier to time, aim, etc.
Alterative - Blinds just find. I have timed it with multiple people. If you CJ with it, you are blinded for at least 2-4 seconds after you actually LAND. This weapon does not impact the tanks as much as it used to.

4) Mines
Land - Appear to blow up for no reason a lot of times. Other then that, appear to be working just fine.
Laser - Sometimes doesn't trip and othertimes trips and then the laser stays.
(Generally the mines are bugged up, so I can't really comment much on them)

Concussion Jumping
Well, it's definitely slower, blinds, and does more damage. In old u2xmp, if you timed it right you could loose 3hp and 15 health per jump. Now, you loose 15 no matter what of health and I don't remember the shield offhand. I raced across lowlands against a ranger using the CJ, I lost.

So CJing is still in the game to some degree, and is faster then gunner's regular movement and jumping, but not as BS as it was in u2xmp.

Overall - the class is nice, it feels right, and the CJ has been downgraded quite a bit with significant damage and blindness. Other then what I've mentioned above. I don't think there needs to be any major modifications to how this class runs. The alt rocket launcher may be a bit too spammable, and the flame thrower more useless as it can not dominate the closed space as much as before.