The left is paying for support of Obamas healthcare program(actual proof inside)

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Active Member
Aug 24, 2008

Oh no, not again.

Why not consolidate all your political threads into one easy monthly repayment?

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I think Obama is great, it's about time someone took action.. Action is important.


United Kingdom is not a country.
I've been getting interested in this debate after reading these 3 articles.
1, 2, 3

It seems to me that the middle classes should be welcoming the plan. The lower paid and poor get free health care (medicare and medicaid) yet the middle classes don't because their companies or they themselves can't afford it. Why are they complaining when they'll be getting it for free (or cheaper at least)?

Why are you guys across the pond so terrified of socialism? It's very different from communism so you won't have Castro of Putin knocking on your door. Plus the government won't be controlling or interfering with you any more than they already do. That's not socialism.

And this Death Panel idea is nuts. As if any developed country is going to put something like that into place. Use some grey matter and spot obvious political spin. Right wingers are so easy to manipulate anywhere in the world.

A good example of spin are the comments made about steven hawkins not living in the UK and not benefiting from the NHS. Exactly the opposite is true and Prof hawkins said as much.

Republicans do seem bitter about losing still (like their last successful leader did the world any good).
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Why are you guys across the pond so terrified of socialism? It's very different from communism so you won't have Castro of Putin knocking on your door. Plus the government won't be controlling or interfering with you any more than they already do. That's not socialism.

I'm not scared of it. Yes there are small things here and there that I think are really bad ideas. However, in the end I'm not "scared" of the new healthcare bill like some. I just think that we can do a lot better. People act like it's the system we have now, or national healthcare. I think there's a 3rd option that trumps both, and still allows for a free market in the healthcare industry.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
I approve of this thread. Because we need just another political topic to brighten the end of the week.


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008

Hey guys on the left you will $500 bucks a week if you spread the word of OBAMA.
hmm, I wonder if tax money is going into that...

Why are you guys across the pond so terrified of socialism?
maybe because we like individualism and not collectivist welfare state? we'd like to remain a wealthy superpower, thanks...

oh, and not to mention this whole healthcare thing isn't even constitutional.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
Why are you guys across the pond so terrified of socialism?

This isn't a socialist plan, no where close. There is nothing Obama has ever done that resembles anything close to being a socialist idea. America has plenty of services that are state and federal ran, and almost all of those services also have private companies providing similar services too, that are even better. That is what is going to happen here. We will still have our private health care if we want.

I'm keeping my private health care because honestly, I don't want bureaucracy telling me I can't get yet another boob job. Capital hill is slow enough as is, private health care sucks, but its still bound to be a magnitude better than anything coming out of Washington D.C.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
hmm, I wonder if tax money is going into that...

maybe because we like individualism and not collectivist welfare state? we'd like to remain a wealthy superpower, thanks...

oh, and not to mention this whole healthcare thing isn't even constitutional.

What? No one is telling you what to do.

Mr. UglyPants

2007 never existed, it was all a dream.
Aug 22, 2005
Canada... eh
Someone needs to shut down Fox News... seriously, that's all that's gotta be said... doing that will like grind all this "OMG the health care plan is gonna kill all our grandmothers!!" hysteria to a halt/ significantly stifle it.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
tool, after doing no research whatsoever except listening to his aging grandfather that reads a weekly Democrat-sponsored newspaper, decides to weigh in on the matter.

[PSI]Snow White

New Member
Jan 30, 2008
Someone needs to shut down Fox News... seriously, that's all that's gotta be said... doing that will like grind all this "OMG the health care plan is gonna kill all our grandmothers!!" hysteria to a halt/ significantly stifle it.

Finance Committee to drop end-of-life provision

The Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top Republican member said Thursday.

The committee, which has worked on putting together a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, will drop the controversial provision after it was derided by conservatives as "death panels" to encourage euthanasia.

This is a win for Palin, but is it also a win for Obama? Now he can reassure Americans that the most worrisome parts of the bill are stripped out...
Obama: Those “death panel” provisions that were never in the bill are now gone...


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
tool, after doing no research whatsoever except listening to his aging grandfather that reads a weekly Democrat-sponsored newspaper, decides to weigh in on the matter.

pot calling kettle black much? the last few political opinions you've posted in this forum have been shot down pretty spectacularly by other posters while you look the other way and still pretend you are right.

In fact, i'm pretty sure you have never ever posted anything that was informed or non-bias, so don't even go into where others get their opinions. Between being mormon, conservative, and extreme right wing, no one should ever read anything you have to say on this forum. Your opinions are complete and utter trash.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
pot calling kettle black much? the last few political opinions you've posted in this forum have been shot down pretty spectacularly by other posters while you look the other way and still pretend you are right.
Such as? :) I'm pretty sure you haven't been reading anything if you think that anything I've posted of my opinions has been shot down lately. If you're talking about the thread I started, I never posed those as my opinions :p Or is this your fabulous reading comprehension level shining through again. You realize that saying something like "Look at this. I don't know if it's true, what do you think?" is not stating an opinion :)

Okay, okay, I was also wondering if saying that would get a rise out of you. But based on your posts in this thread, I'm pretty confident you have no clue what you're talking about, as usual. :)
In fact, i'm pretty sure you have never ever posted anything that was informed or non-bias, so don't even go into where others get their opinions. Between being mormon, conservative, and extreme right wing, no one should ever read anything you have to say on this forum. Your opinions are complete and utter trash.
I see you've taken to the DNC method of refuting points :) Hahahahahahahahahaha, thanks for a good laugh, man. I'd bother responding further if it wouldn't feel like a waste of 20 more seconds.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night.

Doesn't it bother you at all that you are so predictable? :p