I am currently working on a TC for Unreal Tournament with the intention of bringing the dark, futuristic atmosphere of Syndicate 1 to our beloved FPS genre. The TC will be similar to the counter-terrorism mods out there in the sense that it will be very team oriented - however, that's where the similarities end. Except futuristic as well as regular weapons, this TC, currently named D:ITC (short for Denial:The Insight And The Catharsis), will feature diverse cybernetic implants, multiteam gametypes and fast-paced gameplay. I'll attach a small (seven pages) plan to this post so you can look it over if you are interested.
The work that is currently being done is some basic weapons coding (by me), mapping (by our mapper who is currently anonymous) and homepage composing (by Zinear, our webmaster). We also have a modeller named Panzerfaust. What we really need at the moment is a decent coder who can help us out. Naturally, more mappers, modellers, skinners and animators are always welcome. So if you are or know anyone with the aforementioned skills, mail me at oitucrem@hotmail.com or just post your reply below!
The work that is currently being done is some basic weapons coding (by me), mapping (by our mapper who is currently anonymous) and homepage composing (by Zinear, our webmaster). We also have a modeller named Panzerfaust. What we really need at the moment is a decent coder who can help us out. Naturally, more mappers, modellers, skinners and animators are always welcome. So if you are or know anyone with the aforementioned skills, mail me at oitucrem@hotmail.com or just post your reply below!