Hey guys out there, we need help with our large-scale fantasy tc for UT2003. Let me quick explain: The Caster-Mod is a fantasy project whichs goal is to mix the action-feeling of Rune, Severance and Enclave with serious RPG-feeling, like Neverwinternights, Baldurs Gate, etc. or even real Pen&Paper like Dungeons&Dragons. (The name will be changed soon, I hope
. I, Erik 'HaZarD' Poppe, am the project leader, creative mind, scripter, leveldesigner and so on, for the moment. There is really lot of work to do...So if you like to participate, we need everybody, be it Coder, Leveldesigner, texture- or soundartist. Especially we need modellers and animators (for Weapons, Playermodels, Creatures,...). Feel free to contact me: [email protected] (perhaps let the Subject be: Caster-Mod or something like that, so I know what this is about). There is currently no mod-homepage, but I hope to fix that soon, too. Thank you!
Mod Status:
Code about 20%
everthing else to do...
(Sorry for mistakes, I'm German, but I try to do my best

Mod Status:
Code about 20%
everthing else to do...
(Sorry for mistakes, I'm German, but I try to do my best