This thread is dedicated to the most creatively wrong answers to various questions. You've got questions? We've got totally wrong answers that sound right if you don't have a clue about the correct answer! =)
I'll begin:
Q: Why the H in "hour" silent?
A: This goes back to the American West where America was redefining itself separate from the rest of the world and particularly Brittain. In an attempt to differentiate their culture and language from the brits, they decided to make the "H" in some words silent because the British over-pronounced many words because they were attempting to sound more proper.
So, cowboys and other people in the American west started saying things like "hour" that sounded like "our." Eventually, as America became more of a world power, the pronounciation of this word was popularized and the British also adopted this pronounciation.
I'll begin:
Q: Why the H in "hour" silent?
A: This goes back to the American West where America was redefining itself separate from the rest of the world and particularly Brittain. In an attempt to differentiate their culture and language from the brits, they decided to make the "H" in some words silent because the British over-pronounced many words because they were attempting to sound more proper.
So, cowboys and other people in the American west started saying things like "hour" that sounded like "our." Eventually, as America became more of a world power, the pronounciation of this word was popularized and the British also adopted this pronounciation.