UE2 - UT2kX Textured Object 3DS Max

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New Member
Mar 30, 2010

I'm using custom meshes made in 3DS Max that i have imported into the Unreal Editor and all is well.

Problem is I can't figure out how to texture these objects. I know the basic way in Unreal Editor, by clicking on each "face" as I would call it and applying a texture that way, though my model has many "faces" that need texturing.

I can get my head around UVW Mapping in 3DS Max so an ideal solution would be to texture the model in Max then export to Unreal Editor. Obviously i've tried it, without any success and i've looked on google for help, with no success. So if somebody could just point me in the right direction please I would be extremely grateful.

Apr 11, 2006
Once you have your UVW map set up in 3DSMax, export the model to ASE and import it into UnrealEd.

Your model will be untextured, but all you need to do to get it texture is export the diffuse map of the material that you have applied in 3DSMax and then in UnrealEd you can set the material of your static mesh to the proper texture.

If you want to have an object with more than one material in UnrealEd, you just need to set up your model in 3DSMax with a multisubobject material. Then just follow the same steps for all the materials/textures.


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
Might sound silly but how do you export diffuse maps from 3DS Max AND then apply them to a static mesh (i think i'll be able to find/figure that last part thoiugh)? I've been looking and the only way that i can find is in the materials browser, Material> Save as FX file. This outputs a .fx and .hlsl file, both of which Unreal Editor seems to do nothing with. I have set up a UVW map modifier in 3DS Max, however, merely altering the Tiling in the materials editor for the applied Bitmap seemed to have given me the result that i had wanted.

I appologise if it looks like i'm being lazy with this, i have got multiple assignments running at the moment :). I have also googled this with no result.

Will i need to unwrap the UVW's? If so how will i export those and do they have something to do with the difuse map?