I've stumbled upon these two things:
- A bug class in Infiltration for Unreal?
A total invisible class, that was hell to remove. It made a inventory spot, respawned, and a pickup message, but had no other existence. I put it in the map to se what it was, but the bots were certainly not to go that way. Actor Class=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo Name=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo0 Tag=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo
- INF View?
The INF player pawn has in its default propertyes "1st person", "behind", "under gun", "over shoulder" and "eye" view. How do I activate the last 3 views?
- A bug class in Infiltration for Unreal?
A total invisible class, that was hell to remove. It made a inventory spot, respawned, and a pickup message, but had no other existence. I put it in the map to se what it was, but the bots were certainly not to go that way. Actor Class=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo Name=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo0 Tag=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo
- INF View?
The INF player pawn has in its default propertyes "1st person", "behind", "under gun", "over shoulder" and "eye" view. How do I activate the last 3 views?