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I've stumbled upon these two things:
- A bug class in Infiltration for Unreal?
A total invisible class, that was hell to remove. It made a inventory spot, respawned, and a pickup message, but had no other existence. I put it in the map to se what it was, but the bots were certainly not to go that way. Actor Class=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo Name=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo0 Tag=INFIL_GrenadeAmmo

- INF View?
The INF player pawn has in its default propertyes "1st person", "behind", "under gun", "over shoulder" and "eye" view. How do I activate the last 3 views?


GrenadeAmmo: This is actually a dummy ammo class for the frag grenades and not intended to be placed in maps.

Views: These were actually leftovers from Force Recon code, and were never removed. There is no way to access these views since the Switch View command has been removed.


Will you then give it a icon, so it can be removed in under 30 minute.

From what height(above ground) do you se, and from where do you shoot? The placement of eyes on the models don't seem to correspond precisely with the 1st person view. The basic eye height(?) also don't seem to make much sense in this matter.