technical assistance needed with Master's project

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New Member
Mar 5, 2004
I'm putting together a proposal for my final University project. It's a postgraduate (MA) course in Digital Games at the John Moores University, Liverpool, UK. (course website:

The course is very Game Art & Game Design based rather than technical. For my final project I'm looking to demonstrate potential development of co-op play within FPS and some other genres.

At the moment an initial idea is to build a level that demonstrates several scenrios in which two players would have to work together to advance. I will be designing, building, and implementing any gameplay features into the level. All artwork will be original as this is part of the project I am assessed on.

What I'd like to do is allow two players to play on the same map using player characters with different attributes like speed, size, jump height, strength (?ability to push blocks,etc.).

I understand that I'd have to create my own pawn class to achieve any of this and this is where I could do with some assistance. I have a basic knowledge of C++ but lack the knowledge and time to work on this technical issue.

If any coders are interested in giving me a hand please get in touch with me so we can discuss what is possible. I can also let anyone see jpegs of work I've produced on the course so far.
