team games

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New Member
Feb 6, 2000
Visit site
when playing maps designed speciffically for team games eg dmteamterrain and dmteamhillbase, i've noticed that one team spawns in the base and one team spawns outside of the base. this is a little unfair for the attacking team as they have no cahnce of capturing the base.

I think it would be fairer if:
A)at the beginning one team spwned in the base and one team spawned outside the base (as usual)
B)then if anyone is killed they spawn outside of the base regardless of team colour.

i feel this would make the level more exciting as the winning team would then have more control of the base.

Also it would be nice if the 'orders menu' was modified to include more explicit orders. for example you could have the option to split your team into two so you could have teo strike forces etc.




New Member
Aug 7, 1999
You have a double question.

1) We can't put "make maps fair" into the code, sorry.

2) I think you also want to command each (2+) of the fire teams. This makes the command structure very complex. In fact it would be a major feature, that most of our paid equallents would sell them self on. It would also have to work without any kind of "mini-map" since that would cut the custom maps off.
I'd like to have it and realistic bot behavior is on our mind. If we find a easy way to make it will be done, but any kind of AI will most likely be from a very simple interface, and limited to the bots them self (this isn't Panzer general).

With this answer I hope you can forgive me for forwarding you to the Mapping Discussion. I'm sorry about not being able to keep it open here but that's the UBB rules. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif