Tactical Ops Forums' fate?

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New Member
Aug 9, 2005
Western Wisconsin
Does anyone know what happened tot he Tactical Ops Forums? I've been googling, yahooing, and ask jeeves-ing for about a week and a half. But I can't seem to find out if they were hacked, crashed, or banned me form accessing them.

Banning me seems somewhat unlikely as I've prolly only posted there 8 times in the three years I've been a member there. My last post was about using some old UT mutators with the game, which didn't seem to be something I should banned for, but you never know, these days.

If anyone knows, please let me know.

For those of you who don't know what Tactical Ops is, its a magical place where CS-haters can enjoy what is essentially the exact same thing, but running on the UT engine, so its somehow better. Tactical Ops was also almost an addition to the PS2 version of UT, but was taken out, supposedly because of licensing issues with some of the weapons in the game.


3-time World Champion Bowler
Oct 22, 2004
Portland, OR
I really, really hate this thread!!! *pissing on my screen* at the same time *pissing all over my wall and behind my desk and on the part of my sig that has cracwhore's name*

Edit: I was just going through my CD's and realized how much I still like A.F.I.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2005
Western Wisconsin
Yeah, I tried google and all the rest, but all the links came back as dead.

I tried from my work computer and the site came up, but I cannot access from home. I have not been banned, at least my user account was not banned. I will contact their admin and find out if something is wrong.

I understand your raw hatred of this thread, Pipe Dream. I really, really do. And I suppose if I lived in Oregon, my first response to something I hated of this magnitude would be to empty my bladder on my computer screen.

Unfortunately, having a flat panel monitor, I have a much better chance of being electrecuted as the power supply sits on the monitor stand.


3-time World Champion Bowler
Oct 22, 2004
Portland, OR
Texx said:
I understand your raw hatred of this thread, Pipe Dream. I really, really do.

No, no you don't!!! I mean, I can't even touch myself in a heathenistic manner because of this evil thread.

P.S. Almost, leave me alone. I have enough problems without you making me feel guilty about them. Yes, I am trolling, but it's only because I'm a lonely loser without these forums.

Edit x2: All of you who have responded (except Crac [because he ignores me now]) have helped save my life from utter destruction. Like it or not. :)

Edit x3: I love you jerks.
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