SVehicleCreation document

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New Member
Dec 22, 2003
quote from udn

The source art for the SVehicles presented in this example can be found in the The vehicles were created in 3DS MAX and are exported like normal skeletal meshes using Actor X. They were imported normally except for car.max and apc.max which must have the "Assume Maya coordinates" box checked on import of the PSK (despite that fact that they come from MAX). This makes the wheel and suspension coordinate systems align correctly. Once in UnrealEd, collision was added to the meshes (see theAnimBrowserReference for details on adding collision) and some of the meshes were scaled. For more details on creating art for SVehicles see the SVehicleCreation document.

anybody know where the SVehicleCreation document is?


New Member
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks vito :)

If the scorpion or hellbender were made in max, is there any chance you could post the max files on udn?

I had a look at the car in the, unfortunately it’s just a mesh, there aren’t any bones


New Member
Mar 18, 2002
Alright, I just made all the SVehicle and old KVehicle docs on UDN public. Don't use KVehicles for your vehicles, I just made them public because there was no reason not to.

Regarding the Onslaught vehicles, you'd have to ask Epic about releasing them. Try posting on the UT2004 mods mailing list.