Survival Coop alpha testing

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New Member
May 9, 2008
Survival Coop
aka Coop-Or-Die (from Quake2)
I have finished converting my old gametype to a new and more stable platform that is very barebone and basic. It feels exactly like UnrealShare.CoopGame, but with less security risks. As for the gametype itself, I'm running bHardcoreMode on the server which means if one player in the server dies before the end teleporter is hit, the entire map restarts for everyone on the server. This way you are forced to work together online.

Additional features include:
-You are able to shoot through players (for the most part). Trace shots will always go through players and you can combo right through other players but sometimes projectiles wont always go through.
-a consecutive wins display which shows how many maps you and your team have beat in a row on your server.
-protection against players reconnecting to the server to become "alive" again. (this applies in non-hardcore mode where you have to wait for the round to finish).

If you would like to try this gametype out for yourself then connect to my game IP @

Note: this gametype is for Unreal 1/Unreal 227 platforms only.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Jack, you forgot to mention that this is actually the project I have worked with .:..: on back in 2004/2005, he coded the first version for me, but we had disputes about it and we stopped the developement (lots of drama involved). I wanted to make it a mutator but I kept bumping into the limitation of Unreal mutator, instead of the superior UT one.

I know that because there were some unique things that are in your version as well, which you apparently made for xcoop. I asked few people around and the way the weapons were handled and given to players at each maps based on what would be normally avaiable in player for singleplayer is the same in your version and also the way map would be restarting all monsters and stuff. I beleive it is clear you based this version on that old work. I'm not mad, in fact I am glad it was made for xcoop etc in more proper mutator form, since the xcoop mutator is updated to support more things.

But perhaps you should mention where this mod originally came from. It wasn't a really breath taking or totally new idea, but there were things that I would consider being more or less original and from what I have heard they appear in your version in roughly the same way. I will try to play your version and see if that is the case though.

EDIT: I joined and I got at Nali Canyon weapons up to asmd, if it was the mod I talked about there would be all weapons avaiable already at that map. But who knows, you could have changed that little thing. So how is it?

EDIT2: Ok, so this is more like coopordie, one player dies and its game over, different than the old mod then. The weapons system is different too although as I told you you could implement what we did instead, the individual weapon load for each map.
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New Member
Jun 26, 2009
This could get out of hand with assholes joining the server and dying on purpose.

Good luck


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
This could get out of hand with assholes joining the server and dying on purpose.

Good luck

It already happened...(and more, but I won't be mentioning that now)

Although there is mode without the hardcore stuff, that means it will be just like last man standing then.
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New Member
May 9, 2008
Sorry guys, but the server is temporarilydown to fix a critical crash on the 227 server machine. Go figure, it runs fine on 225f server though. The server should be up soon.

Tooly, you bring up a good point and I have began to adapt a solution for that issue. The first thing I will do is disable to command suicide when bHardCore Mode is set to true. This will not break anything either, because I don't use that command within the gametype itself so removing it wont do any harm. Also, a votekick feature will be included soon.

The reason these security features have not been implemented already is because I have not yet created the security handler for the server... I'm still using the NoSecurityHandler built by Pcube. When I make my own security handler, **** like this will be prevented on the server.