Mr Shambler
The deal with my review of Strange World for Nali City: It was submitted initially on Sunday 9th January, but it couldn't be posted then due to GSN being down. Since then, I know QAPete has had some problems and had to miss a couple of weekends reviews, however I did resubmit the review in time for the reviews posted on 30th January. For some reason, QAPete posted the UT reviews, but not the Strange World review. I find this a pity as it's a major episode, and really deserves a prompt review (and indeed, I did the review promptly)....however, I noticed it's got a lot of downloads, which is good, so a review isn't urgently needed as people know it's good already. I did consider posting the review at my site below, however, I assume anyone who visits my site is into the scene enough to know this episode is good, so wouldn't need to rely on a review, and also I thought that might be disrespectful to QAPete as I've set myself up to do Unreal reviews just for him. Hopefully QAPete will post it this weekend....but at least you know what's happened.
Unreal, Na Pali and custom map speedrun demos at
TEAMShambler FPS Demos and Discussion
The Shambler also reviews Unreal SP levels at Nali City
Unreal, Na Pali and custom map speedrun demos at
TEAMShambler FPS Demos and Discussion
The Shambler also reviews Unreal SP levels at Nali City