Still Breathing...

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Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
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Ok, haven't been around here much lately. If my lack of reviews hasn't shown that. A few things have changed in my life, they don't sound like big changes, but they kind of feel like it. College still sucks, and I have 2 classes where the teacher's don't give a f*** and therefore I can't take the class seriously if I wanted to. So I'm basically learning nothing but still passing. My C++ class, which seems like my only real class, isn't going as good as it could be. Mostly because of last term's teacher who didn't care about the class, (he's teaching one of the 2 mentioned above), so I learned almost nothing there, and struggling to make sense of my Advanced C++ class. Just the thing I want to do is get a degree in something I know nothing about. :(

As for the bigger changes, it seems I have more of a social life now. Been hanging out with friends A LOT more than I used to. Most of the time it's friends from work. I've been to the movies 4 times in the last 2 weeks, which I know to some of you is probably no big deal, but considering before it would've taken me like 2-3 years to go to the movies 4 times. Add that on to work and school, I'm having a real difficult time cramming much else in. I feel like I only come home just to sleep.

So as it is, things have had to be pushed aside for now, and unfortunately reviewing seems to be one of them. I've only got 3-4 weeks left till summer, hopefully I'll have more free time then to get some things done. There's been some other smaller things that are taking up thinking time in my head, but I won't go on about those. Until then, I work on sorting out my overloaded brain.


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
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Congrats on the social life! :tup: You're going to run into classes where you really don't learn anything useful, either by an apathetic instructor or poorly made class. The best you can do is to try to learn the material on your own if it is important to you, or to try to pass and move on with you life if the material isn't important to you. So, out of curiousity, what major and year are you, AM?


echo "NaliCity";
May 23, 2002
Oh, and I'm still breathing too. Haven't been on much due to a lack of internet connectivity. Finishing up my first of 3 stays in Florida... headed back home at the end of this week, to college at the beginning of next week, and to summer classes next Tuesday.