its been a while. WoW really sucked me in till by chance i logged into irc to find my slowly dieng of depression clan leader drunk and upset about xmp. Im coming back. I love the game all other FPS suck. We have to build this Comunity back to the way it was. FMI has done there part now lets do ours. Those forums that you read all the time on those various webistes ... SPAM them about UTXMP. ONS forums pfft hell yeah ill spam um. We gotta advertise. We gotta push this game. There are still tribes 1 ladders. I hope you get my poiunt and i want you all to know that PET "the hated ones" Is in full force to revive this game. I know some of you will say "DUH been doing this" this thread is for those l;ike me that havent. SPAM a forum put a link here to prove your doing your part. Ill be updating my post to show you all the forums i plan on bombing. we have to spread the word our selves even if it just brings in 20 people.