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New Member
May 25, 2000
It's amazing to me how many people who post online have terrible spelling ability. I don't recall such a problem when I was at school.

I grew up in London, and I'm twenty-eight. Do you think it's a cultural difference, a generational difference, or are there just so many more people living in America that, proportionally, many, many idiots are using the Internet?

I hate to sound elitist and I'm not the world's greatest writer either, but aren't you embarassed?



Apr 27, 2000
Visit site
I think that, generally,

its how you were taught and brought up. If you were surrounded by swearing, beer swilling viking people while growing, chances are you'd be a swearing, beer swilling viking yourself when you got older.

Additionally, culture, education and all that has an impact on this.


Maybe someday the world will learn, to be kind to someone who makes a fault..
Snakeye <IMG src=http://unreal.infopop.net/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif>

Hell, I'd settle for having the world learn anything at all.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Well not all of us have english as our first language.

I´ll admit that i spell like shit, cus i do.
I never fitted into the school system, and on all 3 schools i went to, my teacher´s hated me (and i hated them).
So im a school drop out. All that i have learned, i have tought my self.



Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
Cultural difference???

I've seen plenty of posts from UK members with pretty lousy spelling (and grammar), so I hardly think it's "an American thing". It's probably nothing more than simple laziness. Most people don't think it's worth the effort to correct their spelling in something as trivial as a post on a message board. We aren't exactly drafting the Magna Carta here...
<h2><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h2>

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

John Donne


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
we aren't? damn I thought we was gonna start a revolution here, that's what all the training is for isn't it?,



New Member
May 25, 2000
I'm not talking about those of us who may have not learned English as their first language. I'm sure my grasp of German, French and so on is much worse than your ability to write in English, and I have much respect for you.

My gripe is with the apparently poor standard of education in America (perhaps England too), although I'm ready to be proved wrong. I'd rather read ha><0r-speak than the ubiquitous:

"hi i am a coder for some lame ass mod and i havent figured out how to use the shift key i just write in one long stream of pointless text and you suck i dont, want to join my clan?"

That kind of thing. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif



Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
Well, the fact is many of the posts you're referring to come from people outside the U.S., so they're obviously not a product of American education.

Sure, education in the U.S. has its problems, but I hardly think it's so bad that most students are coming out not being able to compose a coherent sentence. Like I said before, they're just being lazy. It's probably some form of the 'net culture they're part of. Or maybe a generational thing (being 30 myself).

Oh, one more thing,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>...although I'm ready to be proved wrong.[/quote]

Shouldn't that be "...to be proven wrong"? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
<h2><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h2>

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

John Donne


New Member
May 25, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Shouldn't that be "...to be proven wrong"?[/quote]

Perhaps so. I've been living in the Midwest for seven years now, and entropy is kicking in. Perty soon ahm-a-gonna havta git me wun'o'them thar grammar books fer freshnin' up ma learnin'. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Besides, it was inevitable that I was going to trip up sometime today, after starting a thread like this!



New Member
May 31, 2000
That hurt, please don't do it again. I'm from England and yep, our education system sucks!
The only time we Brits ever hear anything about Yank education is when there's another school shooting /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif .

mellenium hand and shrimp

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
I agree Casull, some people shouldent have a keyboard.

I dont know baut the American nor the Britisch school system, but i can tell u many horror stories baut the Danish.

But i´ll leave my own talles of horror on the shellf, and give u the facts.

Every thing i was tought in school, was from old books and maps, the majority of witch came from the erly 60´s, but i also had books from the mid 50´s.
We actualy had to learn "cool" German frases from the 60´s (imagine greating a Germen resident with a frase like, gad sukes).
In geografy the teacher´s constantly had to tell us that, ups...this looks kinda diferent today, and that´s called somthing else today etc.

I remember my dictionary for these words, "a niger: (it said that) a person with dark skin, who comes from africa. Wery musical, allways in a good mood, and wery clumpsy."
If thats education, then im the baron of cheese cake.

I wont talk bout MY teachers, cus i cant do this without a million death threads popíng out of my mouth. But teachers are under educaded, and under paid. They often use more time to bitch bout "the system" than teatching.
I often had answers to questions, that my teachers dident. The majority of teachers are actualy fighting to ceep the old books, cus then they dont have to study themselves.

The schools are largely run down, and many have fungus groving on the walls, some of witch have been found to be leathal to people with weakend health, aspecialy to kid´s.
But nothing is done bout it.

And its getting worse.

I know that i diss my country alot here, but thease thougts take up alot of my mind.
Some day i may have a child, and thease are not the terms of life i wana ofer him/her.
