for the life of me I am just not getting what I thought would be a simple thing to work. My idea was to use a special event trigger that I would place in a open flame (like a camp fire) to cause players to take damage while they stood in the flame. I know I can make a zone, but this map has a touchy BSP and don't want to rebuild it if I don't have to. I have set the Special Event to be a of the type damage and set the damage to burn. I entered in the number of points/sec and even a localized damage string. Finally I used a normal trigger (increased its collision radius) to set if off. I overlapped the two. I thought as soon as step into the trigger radius it should have activate the special event and thus I would take damage. But no such luck. I did try to change it to a kill instigator and that worked. But I thought that would be a little too sever of a punishment. So is there anything special one needs to do to set this thing up?
for the life of me I am just not getting what I thought would be a simple thing to work. My idea was to use a special event trigger that I would place in a open flame (like a camp fire) to cause players to take damage while they stood in the flame. I know I can make a zone, but this map has a touchy BSP and don't want to rebuild it if I don't have to. I have set the Special Event to be a of the type damage and set the damage to burn. I entered in the number of points/sec and even a localized damage string. Finally I used a normal trigger (increased its collision radius) to set if off. I overlapped the two. I thought as soon as step into the trigger radius it should have activate the special event and thus I would take damage. But no such luck. I did try to change it to a kill instigator and that worked. But I thought that would be a little too sever of a punishment. So is there anything special one needs to do to set this thing up?