Speical Events = Damage Instigator?

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New Member
May 22, 2000

for the life of me I am just not getting what I thought would be a simple thing to work. My idea was to use a special event trigger that I would place in a open flame (like a camp fire) to cause players to take damage while they stood in the flame. I know I can make a zone, but this map has a touchy BSP and don't want to rebuild it if I don't have to. I have set the Special Event to be a of the type damage and set the damage to burn. I entered in the number of points/sec and even a localized damage string. Finally I used a normal trigger (increased its collision radius) to set if off. I overlapped the two. I thought as soon as step into the trigger radius it should have activate the special event and thus I would take damage. But no such luck. I did try to change it to a kill instigator and that worked. But I thought that would be a little too sever of a punishment. So is there anything special one needs to do to set this thing up?



Call me Erdrik

Arch Mage
Nov 24, 1999
Spring Hill, FL, USA
did you properly set the tag and event properties?
Try setting the normal trigger to repeattrigger and set a real small repeat time. and set a special event with the same tag as the normal triggers event to deal a bit of damage.
and of course increase radius to match campfire as you did before. the special event doesn't need to collide with the player infact you should set it the NOT collide....


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
^^^ too many tongues in one post. **ALERT** **ALERT**


*siren stops after fireengine hits pedestrian*