Spawing in INF Standoff

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Teams don't spawn on the right sides, I've set team numbers. Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance,


It's status has been changed from bug to "the random infiltrating" feature. Lets hope we get a on/off in v3. Try to move the playerstarts or make new ones, if you don't like the feature, if something actually helped mail me what it was. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


I think the reason that they seem to work well (by that I mean correctly) is that they are grouped together. I place them within short distances of each other, cause I think the way it works is that if there is too much of the other teams presence (i.e too many enemy guys around the spawn point) then a member of the other team won't spawn there.

So no, there is no correct way to do it, it's all ass. Good luck pulling it off.

RaekwoN out.


In KaninSO the spawn is very infiltrated, the teams often changes spawn location, and almost every time somebody is spawned in the wrong locations. On other maps there is no problem at all. Maybe it is the UnEd version used. Is there any other map that gives infiltrated spawns? Take a good look at KaninSO, maybe you'll find some similarities beside the spawn thing.