Sonic Xtreme Fighters needs help!

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New Member
Jan 31, 2006
Some of you might have already heard of this TC, but here's a link to our Modworks page if you haven't:

In general, this is a Total Conversion mod set around the blue blur we've all come to love (or hate): Sonic the hedgehog.
Right now, we've got a good many Sonic-themed gametypes as well as a large SP campaign planned, but it's grinded to a halt because we need more staff. I'm not the most professional person when it comes to this sort of thing, so i'll let our project lead TripleX speak for me:

Mappers: Talented UnrealEd Mappers should apply.
Those who wish to take up the mapping jobs should know that we are not going to be creating a platformer style game. Levels will be created like Sonic Adventure series.
If recreating a level from either Sonic 1,2,3 or S&K, make sure to add areas that are familair to those levels

Unreal Scripters: The mod is in need of the Unreal communities finest. If you've got coding in your blood, can create new Unrealed tools, new weapons, abilities, and have a passion for Sonic, and is willing to help out. Drop me an email or msg me via the forum.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
We basically need anyone with unrealscript knowledge to join the team at this moment in time.

no doubt noone will be interested in this as its sonic the hedgehog.:(


What are you lookin at...
May 17, 2004
In solitude
Dekrayzis said:
We basically need anyone with unrealscript knowledge to join the team at this moment in time.

no doubt noone will be interested in this as its sonic the hedgehog.:(
To be honest that's why I'm not very interested. Sonic just doesn't appeal to me that much.

But I've checked your stuff of the mod and it looks very authentic and ace. Just wondering what the weapons will be :p And if you guys are gonna leave out Chris, he ain't to interesting.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
XepptizZ said:
To be honest that's why I'm not very interested. Sonic just doesn't appeal to me that much.

But I've checked your stuff of the mod and it looks very authentic and ace. Just wondering what the weapons will be :p And if you guys are gonna leave out Chris, he ain't to interesting.

I thought that might be the case.:)
The weapons havnt been finalized yet, as the game is heavily Melee based. some weapons have been mentioned by members on the board, like, swords, crossbows, guns, nukes, and even a chainsaw?!?!

Things like Nukes, and chainsaws will definatly not be in the game, as i want to make it realistic as possible, where sega would throw in some dumbass weapon, or character and everyone will hate it/them. The game itself is going to be pretty much for the mature audience, non of that happy go lucky game style Sega always does. I have opted for a much darker type of game. much more than what they tried to do in Shadow the Hedgehog, which i think sux. My Mod will have you running through an Apocalyptic Mobius where sonic has to prove himself worthy of being a hero.

if you want to know more feel free to pm me or drop me an email.


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
Maybe i should show some of our progress so far, just to let everyone know that we're for real.


Our main villain, Ashura. Charming, isn't he?



The Tornado 2, one of our new vehicles. The need for coding really shows here.


Some of our beta models in action
May 27, 2004
I have some experience in mapping and coding, but you still haven't shown me enough information about the project yet. What are some of the features your trying to code? Sonic locales your trying to map? Do tell.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
ClockworkJB said:
I have some experience in mapping and coding, but you still haven't shown me enough information about the project yet. What are some of the features your trying to code? Sonic locales your trying to map? Do tell.

True, it does seem we havent posted anything what the project is really about.
The Mod besides being a Darker Version of the Sonic games, is more of a puzzle adventure / Combat game.
The Puzzle adventure part of the mod are mission objectives/ areas to cross that will have the player finding objects and items and using them to get past obsticles such as getting over a wall thats too high, finding X amount of items before a guard lets the player pass. A thing that would bring interaction with the game and to further push the story along and hopefully make it more enjoyable. The combat system, features mainly on melee. kicking, punching, round house kicks, etc. Chaos Control will be featured if it can be coded which we have planned as a level up system (Only on certain characters). The player finds X amount of emerald shards and they unlock a new ability to use the ability they must have so many shards to actually perform it. We're hoping to have an inventory system where the player can hold about 6 items in a backpack, to add some realism to the mod instead of 'OMG he/she just got a weapon out of thin air!'

Mapping for the single player levels will be more like adventure fields, instead of going from Point A straight to Point B, we want the player to use they're head to solve objectives whilst running around the place. if the mission objectives are not solved you can't progress to the next level.

There is quite alot of things that need coding, as we want to impliment some neat ideas from other games like, dialogue interaction boxes from deus ex during cutscenes.

Currently our latest coder is working on the power ups. (Invincibility, speed shoes, shields.) that will work and act like they did in Sonic 3 & Sonic and Knuckles. our aim with this mod is to incorperate all the best elements of classic gameplay and fuse them with the new gameplay types, as well as making it more fun, especially for the older fans.

If you require any more info or to view our current design doc feel free to pm me.