Something strange happens in the menus

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Havoc V12

Angelus Ex Inferno
Jul 13, 2009
Hi everyone, this is my problem. I'll give you a few details. I noticed that UT3 simply stops working when I try doing the following actions:

- hosting an online game
- starting a Betrayal match (even in Instant Action)
- starting a match on the map Morbias Station (even in Instant Action)

I haven't tried other possible ways to cause the crash, but it ran normally when playing a classic DM in the maps UT3 already had since the 1.0 version. I though of everything: language issues (because I am Italian but I find English voices much better), problems during installation (I reinstalled UT3 about 5-6 times), problems with the packs... Nothing.

I am thinking of a possible cause though... I searched for the problem on Internet, and found out that sometimes the cause is the Hardware OpenAL: in short words, the site suggested to turn it off and fix it with the latest version. I don't remember if I had it turned on, but it is likely that I had, given the fact that I turned on some graphic and sound settings to enhance the game experience a bit at least (as long as my PC lets me do it). Not only: I never selected the Morbias map, the Betrayal game modality, or started an online match before the day I first experienced these crashes. So, I don't know what's happening but I'm having a little suspect on the Hardware OpenAL. Could it be the reason? And if not, what should I do?

I uninstalled UT3 again just half an hour later, and I'm gonna install it again when I'll wake up.
Also, it seems you would like some infos about my PC, so here you go:

- Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200 @ 2.2 Ghz processor
- Nvidia Geforce 9300GE video card with 256MB dedicated and HDMI

I don't know what sound card I have, sorry if I can't tell you more.
I hope you can help me, or at least give me some indications on how to solve this problem. It's just frustrating now that I'm getting the right feel for this game to have crashes. :/

EDIT: Reinstalled UT3, Hardware OpenAL is off but still crashes. Plus, I had no patches installed, so it shouldn't be a problem related to them. :/
EDIT2: Oh, and if it can help... everytime I reinstalled the game, it did NOT ask me to restart my computer, while the first time I did it asked me to. Recently some friends of mine installed it and the game asked to restart the computer after the installation... but this didn't happen to me. And now that I remember, after the uninstall process several files still remained in the folders. I'm speaking of .ini, .upk, log files, and so on. It is a problem? Could this have something to do with the crashes I experienced? If yes, should I do something for that?
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Havoc V12

Angelus Ex Inferno
Jul 13, 2009
I have 1.2 Patch then I updated to 2.0. After that, I installed the Titan Pack. I didn't knew there was a 2.1 Patch. Where can I download it?

By the way, I mentioned in the first post that after the disinstallation the game folders were still there with a bunch load of files. I deleted them completely and reinstalled the game. Now it has stopped crashing, everything works fine. Still, I wonder if it was the problem, and eventually if there is a specific way to solve this problem... I may have just been lucky.

Havoc V12

Angelus Ex Inferno
Jul 13, 2009
could have been something in the inis you deleted.

and btw you dont need to install previous patches. all included in the newer ones.

anyways, here is 2.1:

It could be. The only .ini file I touched is the UTCustomChars located in the /Documents/My Games/ Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config... I added some new lines to unlock the NewCorrupt character. I did it again once I made sure that the game worked, but for some reasons the face is the same of Nova. Don't know why but it's not much of a problem no that UT3 works fine again.


EDIT: In the link it tells me that the patch installs the Titan mutator and the Betrayal and Greed modalities. I already have them installed.
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Jun 29, 2009
applying 2.1 over 2.0 should work perfectly fine. and in case you dont have all the characters: open the console and enter unlockallchars, that also gives you the 2 bonus chars that you got for pre-ordering the game.