Something cool I saw on Discovery

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First Poster of new INF forums
Jan 14, 2000
Taiwan, now in UC Berkeley
Or maybe not Discovery, but it was some show talking about some new technology for the US army or something. I saw it quite a while ago but only remembered about it recently.

Anyway, one of the things featured was this camera that's attached to the gun and to a something you wear on your head which covers one of your eyes. The reason for this is, instead of sticking your head (or whole body in UT) out in the open to see if there are enemies, you could just stick the gun out and see the camera through one of your eyes.

I believe this could be implemented by splitting the screen in half and by pressing a key, one side will be replaced by whatever the camera is seeing, and your controls will move the view for that camera. Just press the key again to resume control of your character.
Why not use a mirror instead thats if pplz hardware produce reflective surfaces..

The arm could place the mirror around the side of a corner, then the camera could zoom in on the mirror so the reflection can be seen similar to there *more noticable* Psg1 zoom mode..


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
you mean this?



Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Canadian army has had that for about a year now, as some troops report to me

[This message has been edited by Bad.Mojo (edited 04-20-2000).]


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
this would rock! You could perhaps do it in a similar way as they did for the "translocam" mutator... you could see a kind of screen in the upper left corner that could be toggeled by a bounded command. in that screen, you could see what the camera on the M16 would see.

but where the problem lies is how do you control the M16? how do you put it over your head and turn it around, up and down??? I doupt this is possible with the current FPS game design...

--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Well, the problem with the mirror is exactly the same than for the camera thing... The Unreal Engine is not built to support it in the first place... sure it could be done... but I don't thing your the guy who's gonna spend 4 months in a crappy basement, eat old bread and dirty water, trying to figure out how to program that, how to include a new vers on the Unreal engine with INF and so on... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way


New Member
Apr 22, 2000
Cupertino, CA, USA
You could do it the way it was done in SWAT 3. Have a camera that you buy at the beginning and equip it when you want to use it. Then you hold down the fire button to swivel the camera. The camera's view could be placed in a corner of the screen.


New Member
Apr 26, 2000
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ah, you mean force 21, the whole tech soldier thing. well, it's frankly a long ways off, like at least (very least) a few years at this point for the US, they still don't have any kind of final design, it's constantly being researched and changed.


Reason & Logic > Religion
I've heard about Force 21, aren't they supposed to be like ultra hi-tech and are an special ops group? (Correct me about the spec ops bit if i'm wrong) Well, in INF you are not a member of Force XX1 and regular army guys don't have it yet. By the way, does anyone know where on the Net can I get further info on Force 21? They sound very interesting.


New Member
Apr 26, 2000
Visit site
From what I know (not a whole lot really) they expect to eventually bring it to the entire military but it'll probably be more of a spec-ops thing to start. I'll see if I can find any good links to info on it for you, btw.