Something about the Ballistic Gold mod...

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Jun 11, 2005
Everytime I use the Ballistic mutator, I notice that my computer gets really slow.
All the time I was wondering what caused this.
All the other content runs fast and smooth.
Few days ago I took a look in the Unreal editor.
Suprisingly I saw that the Ballistic weapon textures are 2048x2048!!!

Why the heck did they made it this big, what is the big difference with 1024x1024?!
There will be a difference in quality, I know, but do you want to kill around 20-40 frames for that?

The pack is really cool though, and very nice weapons.
But the huge textures and my computer don't seem to go that well.
I hope the textures will be smaller next time, it kills the fun a little...