Some questions - From a total newb

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New Member
Oct 11, 2004
Well i'm thinking of starting to try and skin and such. But there are alot-lotlotlot- of things I dont know. I'v been messing with some programs and skimming some totorials. But there are still some things I dont get (everything? XD). Yes, i'm quite slow.

How much artistic tallent is really needed?

So far I have Photoshop and... MSpaint. What do I really need?

What are the main diffrences between a skin and a model?

As I said up there I read through some totorials, but none really give good basics. What would be a good one for basics?

Many thanks to anyone that can help. ;)


Formally known as mutt
Sep 25, 2004
SinWolf said:
Well i'm thinking of starting to try and skin and such. But there are alot-lotlotlot- of things I dont know. I'v been messing with some programs and skimming some totorials. But there are still some things I dont get (everything? XD). Yes, i'm quite slow.

How much artistic tallent is really needed?

So far I have Photoshop and... MSpaint. What do I really need?

What are the main diffrences between a skin and a model?

As I said up there I read through some totorials, but none really give good basics. What would be a good one for basics?

Many thanks to anyone that can help. ;)

Ok a difference between model-skin the skin is the outer part of the model ,model is the thing skins go on

the other stuff i can't answer because your not the only newb :lol:


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
My AIM name is Invub4IcuDie, and my MSN name is [email protected]... And I can step by step you through some of the agrivating beginner stuff. I helped mutt some tonight too. I'm no Babyeater or Slaughter, but I know a few tricks that might help you out. Drop a line if you need it.


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
I need photoshop. ^_~ The plug ins (Like eyecandy) it has are a phenomenal benifit.. I used to use both photoshop and PSP because they both had useful elements.. I remember PSP has a very nice lensflare system. But for the most part I got more use and effectiveness out of Adobe Photoshop =P

And uh, Cheapalert? ^_^ There is a casing misprint in your signiture about people casing incorectly.. ^_~ I don't mean to be rude, or fastidious, but I thought you might want to know. =P And not all leet/net speak bothers me, mainly just "Ur" .. because it doesnt sound like "your" when you read it... it sounds like "err" which is a sound that reminds me of a handicaped people noise. (If that makes any sense) <Laughs>

Nalid = Bastard. ^_~


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
Damn.. we should make like a hall of fame memorial or something.. A tribute to our "dead" badasses of the community. =P (And maybe guilt trip them into modeling skinning again. ^_~)