Some more picage

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Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
This is a reply

Merely than waiting for replies - look at the view count - that is what really matters.

I even visited Your page and You seemed to have one SP map 100% ready. There was one glitch in it though - the name of it. Jailbreak is NOT a wise choise for a map name - reason is that there exists a MOD with that name.

I would rename that thing something like SP-Jailbreak if I were You.

Lruce Bee

Transcending to another level
May 3, 2001
Sherwood Forest
Well - to be honest there doesn't seem to be a lot to comment on at this stage - two screen shots don't give a lot away

What you do have - Screen1

I might have to adjust my gamma/brightness settings - but there seems to be a recurring problem these days with low lit levels and your outside shot is no exception - my advice is - if you have low lit outside area - usually around dusk/dawn when lighting is naturally low - seems to me that this is a way of taking advantage of some cool lit areas - certainly a shaft of light coming out from a doorway or tunnel would draw your eye to that point - a focus if you like - take a look at your first shot and what do you see? - Exactly - nothing of focal interest whatsoever - so I would recommend having a strong light source coming out of at least two exit/entrances to bring that scene to life - also the trim on the gable end is wrong - you need to change that.

Floorplan also looks a bit simple - poly count doesn't look like it's gonna go through the roof in that scene so add more stuff outside to spruce it up a bit


Architecture looks tidy - nothing that makes my jaw drop - but better than some I've seen lately

It inherits the same problem as shot1 - dark - too dark in my opinion - and the torch flares? - not sure what you're trying to attempt there - looks like you've been looking at the mercflare type effect that Quake3 uses on some of it's levels except not enough light is coming from them and they appear to be floating?

More shots required if you want any more feedback



Oct 27, 2001
My room
Kewl that's all I'm asking for, some good, honest feedback!;)
In regards to Varpu, you're right I'll change that, even though my site is titled SP levels
In regards to Lruce Bee, shut the hell up, who asked you (just kidding)
My screenshots always turn out to dark, the level itself isn't that dark, I should brighten them in my PSP, but I usually don't
My first question is: What's a gable?, please elaborate on that
Yah I plan on sprucin up the terrain, it's a little weak right now
I'm still not quite happy with the outside shot of the cathedral, I plan on sprucing that up too
About pic 2, it's to hard to tell in the screenshot, but those lens flares are coming from candles, not flames
Thanks for the feedback!
Maybe I'll post a few more shots


Oct 27, 2001
My room
Alright Lruce (since you seem to be the only one giving feedback) here's 2 more shots of my second map if your interested
Hopefully they won't turn out to dark

Lruce Bee

Transcending to another level
May 3, 2001
Sherwood Forest
Yes - a definate improvement on the last set of shots


I'm impressed with the rock textures - they look very convincing in the picture and seem to carry some real volume to them - I know from experience how difficult that can be - so thumbs up there

Nice use of primary colours Red(lava) Green(grass) Blue(sky)

Architecture looks interesting - theme is well executed and the scale looks good - I've always liked the temple built into the cliff type theme and I think you're pulling it of with this map

The thing about Aztec/Inca/Myan type themes is that you can really get carried away with the design - mirroring what they did in reality can be real fun - traps abound but I'd like to see more water features - the theme really lends itself to heavy use of water I think - you may already have incorporated this inside - I don't know - but I'd have a think about that purely as a suggestion

Is it a ruin? - If it is - you may want to break up some of the structures - you know - collapsed walls etc - if it's contemporary - leave it as it is - its looks ok - Use more moss - there are some cool moss textures somewhere - hang them from anything you can find - I think architecture overgrown with vegitation just looks real cool

Shot 2

A close up of the main entrance again looks really smart - but I'd scale down the wall texture behind the red flame - something like 0.5 or less should do it

I really like those pillars - they look chunky and weighty - good choice of textures for those - clinging ivy also adds to the look of the place

Not sure if I would be happy with the red flame - If it was me - I might keep it the same as the others for continuity - You can tinker around with the flames but if you're happy with it - then no problem

Again - I would consider adding some water features in amongst the cliffs or something just to increase the ambience of the theme you have going here

Good stuff



Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Have you got those mountains in the skybox set to unlit? They look the wrong colour when you compare them to the rocks.

Also, where did you get that rock texture plz :)


Oct 27, 2001
My room
Bot 40:
Actually I don't remember if I set the mountains in the skybox to unlit, but you're right, it looks wrong, I'll have to fix that
I got that rock texture from Rune, they have a great Organic and Sky texture packages which I tried to incorporate into my levels to give them some originality

Lruce Bee:
Yah I agree with you I need to break up some of the structures and add some vines/vegetation to give it a more aged look
I'm still unsure about the red flame, I wanted to add a little color to the temple, but that breaks up it's consistency
The temple has a fire/lava theme to it, not to much water as of right now
For me the hardest things to make is good outside terrain, along with lighting up the terrain, I need to find a system and stick with it, I basically use the floor lofter, along with the terrain builder and the 2d shape editor, any ideas?


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Those pictures look really nice cheif7. Someday maybe I'll be able
to make such cool structures ... maybe. :B
I've been following the thread but didn't post up for I had nothing to offer. No commentary I can add to what has already been said,
well, maybe on that last shot.
It looks good to me except that the color contrast might be a bit
much for the ancient theme. Although I like the green liquid, lava
might be more realistic. Depends on the rest of the map though.

Can't wait to try it out. Is it close to completion?

Oh, someone told me a while back that pairing
GREEN & PURPLE was a crime. They didn't say why

:biorifle: :biorifle:



Oct 27, 2001
My room
The purple looks kinda of ugly in the screenshot, but in the game it looks cool, it gives it some atmosphere
I'll probably end up changing it anyways to a more subtle, plain, orange/yellow torch flame
Both maps are about 90% done, I might release a playable version of the them in a week or 2 for some testing and feedback