Some Ideas for the Staff...

  • Thread starter CoLoNeL-SteelKat
  • Start date
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People, I think Infiltration is great! But I'd like to express a few of my ideas for the next patch for Infiltration.

1. Why not make it "Marines Vs. Army" sorta thing, instead of two different colour uniforms, why not two seperate forces!?

2. I think a combat knife should be another weapon, where you can stab someone or throw it!

3. I think we need a few more "Interactive levels" with turrents we can use and choppers we can fly!

4. A few more Player Bots need to be made, ones that ARE real military or Marine men!

Well that's all I can think of right now /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif get back to me people...


Well, let's see...

1) This is an easy possibility. We'll have a soldier class and a spec ops class- both with a variety of skins.. so not only could you play against different branches, but possibly against different nations' armies.

2) If you read the Roadmap, a couple melee weapons are planned- a knife and machete.

3) Turrets are planned for version 3, but keeping with the realistic style. Machine guns, grenade launchers, and possibly a TOW missile system or two.. No laser guns or MIRV rockets...

4) Not sure what you're requesting here.. Our Roadmap has multiple classes planned which will contain many skins as well.

My suggestion is to read the Roadmap. Later this week or next I'll be updating the Roadmap again with some more details.


1) We are all flesh and blood, our own enemy.

2) Look here.

3) 1st choppers and turrets will have to fit the level. 2nd then the rest of the players will have to get vehicles to make up for the level size. 3rd we would need grass and other stuff to hide in, so we don't get shot before reaching B.
I suggest bot choppers, easy to scale and handle, while still giving a CHOPPER!!! mood.
The only type of stationary support weapon not included on the roadmap, within the map scale would be a very light mortar.

4) Nobody in there right mind would put a real marine inside a game, the nations finest. Besides he would only lasts a single game /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Ain't the marines supposed to be military? /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif
You play ½dead? It would kick. How is it going with UnEd? Make it happen, enlist for Infiltration team.


Ok, I understand what you two are saying. So I guess yous are maing a new patch now huh? Currently I'm woking on an Infiltration Map which I'll send when it's done... I don't think I can join the team just yet /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Hey, are the InF guys looking to enlist mappers, well I'd be pretty happy to do some work, I have summer break coming up (live in Australia), which = more maps. Desert Compound is a few days off yet, I'll keep you posted.