Some general practical and some wish-list suggestions...

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New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Once again I cannot stress enough my appreciation for the Inf team. I think everyone should applaud them for their monstrous amount of work they've done, because of all the fun their generating for the rest of us!

Okay.. kudos aside, here is a few suggestions:

1) Please make maps more in the daylight!! Most battles are done in the daylight, and it is much more fun to play than running around stupid dungeon looking levels (the non-Inf maps), or always running around at night. I would like to have more decent battles in the daylight thanks very much. It is less straining for the eyes too.
2) This one I think is a great suggestion: Please make Inf 2.8/3 etc expandable - rather than having everything in one package. That way, we all can quickly download the base package and begin playing immediately, and leave the more complex stuff for later when you guys have finished developing it.

I mean for example, when you guys have improved the bot AI, then we will download the bot AI patch - meanwhile we can still play with the new weapons and sounds etc etc... weapons patches will be available, equipment patches and so on as if Inf were a complete package in itself like UT, and the add-ons are like 'mods' for Inf!!

Maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

3) I think what would really be cool, is if you develop a skeleton model, and have some X-ray goggles for some sort of Rail-Gun a la Eraser.. that is available on certain missions (maybe like a CTF variant!!!!). The X-ray goggles will then see the skeleton model which replaces soldiers, and also see the 'skeleton' of the maps without textures (like the vector graphics of yore). To make it simpler, they can only see through ONE wall.. which would probably make coding easier.. something for the future perhaps??

I'd love to see through X-ray glasses. Not very realistic, but then believable on some 'special' missions I suppose!


Don't frag me, love me.


Real Maps Coordinator
actually the Rail gun is the more unrealistic of the two suggestions. Gary Stubblefield wrote in 'Inside the Navy SEALS' that there is technology that gives the ability to see through walls, (he eluded to it being similar to whatever was used inthe Navy SEALS movie) but he didnt elaborate due to the sensitive nature of the technology.

There have been 'flechette' weapons developed but nothing that was ever mass produced but Im sure gryphon would know for sure.

RealMaps Site Founder/Coordinator
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The Grand Elitist
Dec 24, 1999
I remember something. One of my friends talkeb about this purple laser that can cut through anything. Was a while ago though.



<pre> 1984, George Orwell, read it </pre>