hey, i'm sure that you guys have heard the counter-strike mod for HL being mentioned a lot, and im sorry if it is annoying you, but it does have some pretty cool things in it. if you ask me, the coolest game feature (physical feature, not gameplay kinda thing) is the way your accuracy goes down a lot when you run, goes straight down the shitter if you jump, and is pretty darn good if you are crouching. i also did read the roadmap and i know that you are planning to impliment this feature in 3.0, but the crosshair idea, while seeming REALLY cool, also sounds like it would be equally hard to pull off. would you guys consider putting the accuracy thing in sans the crosshair to tide us over? thanks.
PS: sorry about the bullet velocities, i did the same thing as crazyed and was very suprised /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif. i always figured i had to lead my because of lag. my computer isnt the greatest machine you know.
If you run you'll just die tired.
PS: sorry about the bullet velocities, i did the same thing as crazyed and was very suprised /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif. i always figured i had to lead my because of lag. my computer isnt the greatest machine you know.
If you run you'll just die tired.