I've got my first SP map going, I think it's looking pretty good so far (I can't wait to unleash it on y'all) but there are a few things that I'm grappling with that I could use some help on...
Oh, and I'm using Unreal Mission Pack 1's editor and assets in case that makes a difference.
1. How do I resize the universal translator? I changed it's drawscale, and in the wireframe modes in the editor it looks the way I want, but when I play the level it still comes out the size of a serving tray!
2. Where do I edit the "level title" and "author" fields that appear when the level begins?
3. I have a lesser brute standing up on a cliff (maybe 200-300 units above ground level) and I can't figure out how to get him to see me! If I shoot at him, he'll come to life and attack normally, but if I don't shoot first he does nothing. If I enable the "fly" cheat I can fly right up in his face and he won't react unless I touch him or shoot him.
4. I've also enountered a bug with this brute, where twice out of the dozens (hundreds?) of times I've playtested my level, when I fire at him he disseappears and instantly reappears directly on top of my head!! I was standing in two very different places when this has happened.
VERY weird bug that I can't reproduce...
5. I have a Skaarj trooper set up so that when he sees me (I'm on a cliff above him) he'll run to a cave entrance and run up it to emerge next to me and attack. I did this by running pathnodes from his position up to where I want him to go,(which was probably not necessary, the route isn't very complicated) and I put several alarm points along the same route to make it work. What happens is: he sees me, runs through the first two alarm points correctly (which leaves him right at the ground level cave entrance), but then he doesn't go in. He'll wait down there at the cave entrance until I go down where he can see me, and THEN he'll come in after me. If I turn around and run, he'll follow me up, so I know he can navigate the tunnel if he wants to. I've checked the nextalarm settings and the alarmpoint tags and it should be working...
-Maybe his Brains are set too high?
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you all can give... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif
Oh, and I'm using Unreal Mission Pack 1's editor and assets in case that makes a difference.
1. How do I resize the universal translator? I changed it's drawscale, and in the wireframe modes in the editor it looks the way I want, but when I play the level it still comes out the size of a serving tray!
2. Where do I edit the "level title" and "author" fields that appear when the level begins?
3. I have a lesser brute standing up on a cliff (maybe 200-300 units above ground level) and I can't figure out how to get him to see me! If I shoot at him, he'll come to life and attack normally, but if I don't shoot first he does nothing. If I enable the "fly" cheat I can fly right up in his face and he won't react unless I touch him or shoot him.
4. I've also enountered a bug with this brute, where twice out of the dozens (hundreds?) of times I've playtested my level, when I fire at him he disseappears and instantly reappears directly on top of my head!! I was standing in two very different places when this has happened.
VERY weird bug that I can't reproduce...
5. I have a Skaarj trooper set up so that when he sees me (I'm on a cliff above him) he'll run to a cave entrance and run up it to emerge next to me and attack. I did this by running pathnodes from his position up to where I want him to go,(which was probably not necessary, the route isn't very complicated) and I put several alarm points along the same route to make it work. What happens is: he sees me, runs through the first two alarm points correctly (which leaves him right at the ground level cave entrance), but then he doesn't go in. He'll wait down there at the cave entrance until I go down where he can see me, and THEN he'll come in after me. If I turn around and run, he'll follow me up, so I know he can navigate the tunnel if he wants to. I've checked the nextalarm settings and the alarmpoint tags and it should be working...
-Maybe his Brains are set too high?
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you all can give... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif