Skarjj TeamMates

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.
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Crazy Psycho
Feb 1, 2001
Planet Earth
can we please have Skarjj team mates :). Maybe we should be able to force them to follow commands at gunpoint (point at them and activate commands via a UT-like voice menu??????). Surely some of them them can be persuaded by a rocket launcher in the face!. They could have different levels of freindliness that determines wether they can be persuaded or not -or are they going to come and eat my rockets in an endless stream.
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