Single Player pathing for monsters Hourences

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Retired Attention Whore
I have this map, where there is an outside part, (not natural, but (in dutch) een courke :p ) and with small deadending hallways (not hallways, but sparings) where the monsters are hidden, till they hear the player, I want them to run out of them, and attack them all togheter (4 SkaarjGunners), so you have an insane fragfest, like in Serious sam (the map is called Serious Trouble :rolleyes: )...

And how do I use the alarmpoint thingies

How to hide a monster so you walk trugh without noticing it, and suddenly it appears behind you poking in your back, so you jump a hole in the air? I tried something with a pillar, made the monster quiet and let it play someone, but he saw it... :-( I want the monster to surprise people, like in Serious Sam


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Hehe... I can think of dozens ow ways that *might* work... how about hiding the monsters behind secret doors? Like, inside that pillar?

Or else... if you don't have space for hiding-holes there make an extra rooms with the monsters and teleporters, and if triggered movers push the monsters into the teleporters... unse invisible one-way teleporters, and you can spawn a horde of monsters all around the player suddenly... if it should appear like they have been hiding nearby, just spanw the monsters in places where they are hidden... and do someting to pull their attention towards the vitctim...


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Originally posted by TheRealFluffy
I have this map, where there is an outside part, (not natural, but (in dutch) een courke :p ) and with small deadending hallways (not hallways, but sparings) where the monsters are hidden, till they hear the player, I want them to run out of them, and attack them all togheter (4 SkaarjGunners), so you have an insane fragfest, like in Serious sam (the map is called Serious Trouble :rolleyes: )...

And how do I use the alarmpoint thingies

How to hide a monster so you walk trugh without noticing it, and suddenly it appears behind you poking in your back, so you jump a hole in the air? I tried something with a pillar, made the monster quiet and let it play someone, but he saw it... :-( I want the monster to surprise people, like in Serious Sam

^ Reason #234 why I should never attempt a single player, even tho I really want to. I'd just ask 3456 Questions in Level Editing :)

Call me Erdrik

Arch Mage
Nov 24, 1999
Spring Hill, FL, USA
best way to do this is to make creature factories. make the Spawn point where you want them to jump out of(make sure the spawn point is mostly enclosed. only one opening leading to the hall. so that the player will never see them spawned) place the Creature factery near the ceiling in an out of the way place. now make a trigger a little ways past all them on the floor and change the collision radius so it envelops the whole hall(to avoid them missing the trigger). Now change the triggers event to match the Creature factorys tag(the Spawn point must have the same tag as the Factory). Now change the prototype property in the creature facture to whatever creature you want.

This will cuase the creature to spawn at the spawn point when the player hits the trigger. to make the creature want to kill the player you need to make it so the creature can see, and get to the player. SO you can make pathnodes for it to followand make a new trigger that hase a collision raduis that evelops the WHOLE area(this is so that they try to kill the player no matter where he goes) then make the trigger a repeating trigger with a repeat time of .001(thanks to Bot_40 for this info ;) ) or something small... then change the new triggers event to match the creatures tag, WHICH can be set by changing a property in either the creature facory or the Spawn Point.. I can't remember which right now.... :p

any questions?

I almost forgot you'll need to set the capacity and maxitems properties one changes the max creature spawned ever, and the other the max creature allowed to be active. I forget which is which tho. just exeriment :D lol
Last edited:


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Re: Re: Single Player pathing for monsters Hourences

Originally posted by Chrysaor

^ Reason #234 why I should never attempt a single player, even tho I really want to. I'd just ask 3456 Questions in Level Editing :)

Good, I need stuff to do while I'm bored :)


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Re: Re: Re: Single Player pathing for monsters Hourences

Originally posted by Bot_40

Good, I need stuff to do while I'm bored :)

You aren't supposed to have time enough to be bored. Do I not bug you enough then? Point taken.