single player framework

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New Member
Sep 27, 2003
Hey, I was wondering if the single player framework could allow me to place "sleeping" bots into the level that can be triggered to "wake up". This'd be awsome, for adding variety to gameplay. It would allow for rescuable helper bots, and also for some incredible boss fights. It'd be great if they could be configurable by health, weapons, skill, etc.


May 7, 2002
England baby!
Hey there. :)

There is something similar to what you desire, and that's the ability to trigger spawn actors to spawn your bots/pawns/monsters when you want. It saves on resources too, since I've found that having 50 monsters roaming about your level eats away at framerates.

If this is similar to what you're after, cool. If not, let me know. :)


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
Parser said:
Hey there. :)

There is something similar to what you desire, and that's the ability to trigger spawn actors to spawn your bots/pawns/monsters when you want. It saves on resources too, since I've found that having 50 monsters roaming about your level eats away at framerates.

If this is similar to what you're after, cool. If not, let me know. :)

Oohh.. that's awsome. But it'd take it to the next level if, for bots AND monsters, if you could add in "sleep" and "awake" states, so that you could see the enemies and sortof sneak up on them and stuff. This would be useful in several ways, especially for really big terrain maps, where you may be able to see the monsters long before you're in any reasonable attack range. That way you could look down off of a cliff, scope out where the monsters are, and then plan your attack. Without the sleep code, the monsters are gonna start attacking as soon as they've got a line of sight.

(edit) by the way... what kind of timeframe are we looking at for the release of the single player framework? Will it be released as a part of FHI4? I've already started work on my campaign (the maps, anyway), and you'll understand how anxious I am...
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May 7, 2002
England baby!
I'll check it out and so on, but I've modified the monster AI code so it's more SP-orientated. For example, they don't start hunting you out as soon as they spawn. They will attack you when they see you, or if you fire a grenade around the corner. You can alter the SightRadius and HearingThreshold values although I'm not sure if they have any effect yet.
When I get the chance, I'll build a big terrain test map and see how far away the player needs to be before they spot him/her.


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
Oh one more thing... about the bots that you can place into a map... can I control how many respawns they get?