Shooting trough walls...

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New Member
Dec 6, 1999
Leuven / Belgium
Visit site
I was wondering. When you shoot trough a wall, do all the bullets pass trough? I think that it would be better that when you shoot with an m16 trough a wall that is 11 units thick, that 80% of the bullets should go trough. When the wall is only 6 units thick, then 100% of the bullets go trough.
This would give a more realistic effect.

Another question. Do the bullets lose power when they go trough walls so that they do less damage? I don't know it's realistic, but i think it will be nice.

Sylvester out...


push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
The bullets have the same velocity, but the material you're shooting through doesn't act in the same way everywhere.
I think it would be a cool feature /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Andirez (edited 02-18-2000).]