UE3 - GoW shoadows help pls

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New Member
Jun 4, 2008
i have a problem with my staticmesh, i want my staticmesh to cast shadows on it self.i have tried dynamics lights and the shadows only cast on the surrounding mesh (e.g floor) not on it self.

when i go into the static mesh editor the preview light casts a shadow on it self this is what im after in game.

what type of light shall i use?
do i have to do something to the staticmesh for it to self shadow?
im using gears of war editor


when i run the ingame test the dynamic light which ive added doesn't cast any shadows at all, even in the viewport not visible. i only way i can see a shadow on my mesh is in the static mesh editor with the default lighting.

Marcus phoenix light casts a shadow on to my model what type of light is that?
i want shadows like this casting on the model

can static meshes even cast shadows with dynamic lights?



I make things move
Jan 21, 2008
Go to the mesh properties and set it to "cast dynamic shadows", turn off "use precomputed shadows" and add it to the dynamic channel. It should hopefully help.

Observe that Fenix is a skeletal mesh, which is completely different from a static mesh. Also not to forget, the lighting used in the preview editors are the most expensive ones. I don't know if you can even get that result in-game somehow.