only one thing....
I have read ALL posts on the SF forum and I can tell ya, that it was hard to NOT reply on some of these "messages" /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
well, some guys will never learn, and the "bad Opti pill" was swallowed by over 90% of them....
Just one thing to add:
All guys that are bitching about Epics lag of support for SF are totally wrong.... Some mods get more infos, cause they contact the Epic staff and don't bitch about them all the time... even after releasing such "superb" news posts on the SF forum and their news page (blaming Epic all the time) even Epics staff replied to their questions on the UTMods mailing list!
Well I only spotted a handful of SF-posts on this mailing list, so IF they wanted support (regarding infos aso), then they haven't asked for this very often.
And mod-developement is something that you do for FUN only! Well, if someone gets interested, then you just made something worth it.....
So, Opti made one big fault... he promised stuff again and again (to the SF team and the public) and never was able to "fulfil" it.
Many SF-Team members got "in close contact" with Opti and lost the fight... or better withdraw at the time it got too "dirty".
But Opti stroke again...
Even with this absolutely wrong way of getting Epics interest (if this really was his plan - I don't think so) he got the crowd to follow his lead! ...again...
well, this reply is getting longer as it should be, so I will stop here, before I start to drop on the SF forum level of bitching and "diaper-using"....
::searching for a handkerchief::
Lead-Programmer of the
Infiltration Team