... have to back up on SF...
My other post was more of a "gut reaction" than a really useful post /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
Now, I still claim that the maps are beautiful! They are commercial grade every one of them.
Even though you can only play SFTDM-Mountainbase online. For some reason you will spawn in ghost mode every time you try it on for a botmatch.
If you want SF-140 flames, go to their forum. It's full of flames and genuine bug reports.
Here, however is the bug that says "Fuck all of you! If you want to uninstall SF, you'll have to fucking REINSTALL everything else, from SCRATCH!"
How can a mod developing team come up with such a nightmare? Even if it IS free?
In my case it was even stranger than Zundfolges problem with the removal of certain .UTX files. I couldn't even begin to uninstall SF. It said "Files corrupt or have already been deleted"...
I must've screwed up when I installed SF in the first place...
I think they, the SF team, rushed 140 and didn't test it enough before release. There are too many bugs in it for that.
All in all, another hyped release of a buggy product.
In defence of my earlier post I'll say this; It might be buggy but it shows some really promising stuff. The maps for one thing anf the bots for another. Botsupport is beautiful (in the maps that are playable offline) a huge thumbs up for that.
Thank heaven this is the OFF TOPIC forum /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Now, if only Tac Ops could rush their "thing" into release the world would be a happier place to live in. Don't ask me why I said that! Figure that out for yourselves, ok?