UE3 - GoW setting for static meshes from maya actorX to GoW

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New Member
Jan 28, 2008
Hello there, i'm just starting to have fun with the UE III, i have several questions down the road which are totally newbie questions:

Why is a berserker actor in generic browser lit only by gun riffles and appears totally black otherwise ? Does it have something to do with light properties ?

I will try importing animation one day but how do you just import static object from actorX, is there a tut somewhere here to do so ? edit i found this tutorial for simple and quick workflow: http://www.gameartisans.org/gamecon/tutorials/index.htm so ignore this question...

Can grunts, berserkers or other creatures move by themselves via the IA in the editor ? (simple example you create a room break the door and creatures inside react ?)

What is the equivalent of .hdr lighting scene within Unreal ? Does it support .hdr ? (For instance and do you have real reflections of an environment and players on metal or water ?)
THX a lot
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