Servers running custom stuff?

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Man where have you been Shhh ? Havnt seen you online in a bit.

[UNREAL]wtf is this? Just testing never noticed the leet uinreal tags before[/UNREAL]


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
All the mutators on GD are very fast downloads. It's their "custom skins" which take forever. Not a fan of the skins mainly because they are simply the shirt of one default skin with the sleeves and pants of another default skin. No offense to the skinner, who has done some great work that isn't featured.

Personally GD is my BaseOps because they a) Run EAS, b) Run all the good mutators, c) Run my Mk23 LAM mutator.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
I've been playing Planetside mostly.

When I do drop by for a quick game the server is always full of people who apparently play nothing but Inf so I always get pwnz0red which isn't fun.

The prospect of all these cool addon weapons has gotten me interested in playing again though.

Imagine my boredom when I discovered that most of the populated servers were still running Inf "vanilla" (which is lovely to be fair, but I've been playing one version or another for bloody ages).