UT2kX [ServerActor] Server Decals

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Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
(Looks like I forgot to publicly release this one.)

There are many ways to let your players know who owns the server they are playing on, e.g. by adding a Server Logo or custom team symbols. Another is putting you clan logo into the maps, but that has the disadvantage of requiring custom maps, right?
Well, not in all cases. Server Decals is a server actor that lets you set up custom projectors or decals for any existing map. These are created at runtime without any modifications to the actual maps.

Setting up decals
This part needs some work on your side as you have to do it manually for each map you want your custom decals to show up in. Basic UnrealEd knowledge is a requirement as you have to set up Projector actors to figure out the required properties to use. Also, you will need to import any custom projector textures your server decals should use. (I recommend putting them all in a single combined texture package with a unique name for your server.)

Server Decals automatically creates a ServerDecals.ini section for any map your server loads. The map section will contain an empty decal entry with the default projector property values, but the example ini in the download also already contains a section for DM-Rankin. You can copy a Projector form UnrealEd to a text editor and then copy individual values to the ServerDecals.ini entry, instead of entering all values manually. While the auto.created section only contains a single entry, you can actually put as many entries into a map section as you want, one per decal.

Currently the UTzone.de servers are the only ones using ServerDecals, and only on few maps. Here are two examples from Rankin-FE and Campgrounds-G1E on the UTzone.de Betrayal server:
ServerDecalsRankin.jpg ServerDecalsCampgrounds.jpg

Download link


New Member
Jan 22, 2006
Moscow, Russia
I also had the code that does almost the same in UT3. Administrators were able to manually create decals during gameplay, but there was no static configuration, except for list of textures.